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Updated 388 Days AgoPublic

Welcome to the Phorge wiki.

Phorge is an Open Source, community driven platform for collaborating, managing, organizing and reviewing software development projects.


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There are multiple ways to get support for Phorge:

Get Commercial Support

Phorge is a community project and we do not offer commercial support at the moment :)

However, the license encourage everyone to offer business support to other people! The fastest way is: contact a random professional PHP developer.

NOTE: Only members of Trusted Contributors may edit wiki documents. You can request edits by adding a comment to a document below.
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Last Edited
Jul 4 2023, 16:50

Event Timeline

cark created this object in space S1 Public.
cark changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Matthew changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".Jun 11 2021, 23:58
MacFan4000 edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
MacFan4000 edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
MacFan4000 edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
MacFan4000 edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
MacFan4000 edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
MacFan4000 edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
MacFan4000 edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
MacFan4000 published a new version of this document.
Cigaryno edited the content of this document. (Show Details)