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Improve Dark Mode
Open, NormalPublic

Assigned To
Authored By
Oct 24 2021, 22:11
Referenced Files
F2282585: project-workboard-after.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
F2282542: project-workboard-before.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
F2282583: pholio-after.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
F2282540: pholio-before.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
F2282581: navigation-after.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
F2282538: navigation-before.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
F2282579: menu-after.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
F2282536: menu-before.png
Jul 6 2024, 15:28
"Love" token, awarded by Iniquity."Like" token, awarded by valerio.bozzolan."Love" token, awarded by Rexogamer.


This is a backlog task for problems with the Dark Mode feature.


  • Fix
Popup unreadable title and desc
Screenshot 2023-04-13 8.43.33 AM.png (249×428 px, 26 KB)
Any hovecard.phui-header-shell
  • Fix
    Screenshot 2023-04-13 8.46.47 AM.png (38×1 px, 2 KB)
  • Fix
    Screenshot 2023-06-28 094039.png (60×1 px, 5 KB)
  • Fix
    image.png (181×394 px, 13 KB)
  • Fix
    Screenshot 2023-04-13 8.53.10 AM.png (39×213 px, 2 KB)
  • Fix
    screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-workboard.png (233×622 px, 12 KB)
  • Fix
T15056#12892: Linear gradient
screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-pannel.png (90×842 px, 5 KB)
  • Fix
    screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-workboard-maniphest-edit.png (135×314 px, 8 KB)
  • Fix
    screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-workboard-dnd-trigger-hint.png (103×325 px, 2 KB)
  • Fix
Poor contrast between text and background, clashes with the design
screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-maniphest-comments-hidden.png (57×1 px, 6 KB)
In any task where there are many comments.phui-timeline-older-transactions-are-hidden
  • Fix
    screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-exception.png (172×1 px, 12 KB)
Fixed Issues
  • Conpherence: date/timestamp is hard to read:
    conpherence-before.png (354×1 px, 46 KB)
    • Fixed as
      conpherence-after.png (354×1 px, 48 KB)
  • Custom policy editor:
    custom-policies-before.png (403×1 px, 31 KB)
    • Fixed as
      custom-policies-after.png (413×1 px, 29 KB)
  • Differential:
    differential-before.png (4×1 px, 567 KB)
    • Fixed as
      differential-after.png (4×1 px, 580 KB)
  • Background in Diffusion Active commits is different then in other screens:
    diffusion-active-audits-before.png (527×1 px, 54 KB)
    • Fixed as
      diffusion-active-audits-after.png (529×1 px, 63 KB)
  • Email settings:
    email-settings-before.png (375×1 px, 47 KB)
    • Fixed as
      email-settings-after.png (372×1 px, 48 KB)
  • Exception logging:
    exception-before.png (277×1 px, 20 KB)
    • Fixed as
      exception-after.png (285×1 px, 20 KB)
  • Setup issues menu:
    menu-before.png (233×557 px, 24 KB)
    • Fixed as
      menu-after.png (233×577 px, 24 KB)
  • Navigation menu selection/hovering:
    navigation-before.png (340×457 px, 28 KB)
    • Fixed as
      navigation-after.png (340×458 px, 28 KB)
  • Pholio with transparent images:
    pholio-before.png (752×1 px, 72 KB)
    • Fixed as
      pholio-after.png (754×1 px, 73 KB)
  • Project workboards:
    project-workboard-before.png (467×1 px, 58 KB)
    • Fixed as
      project-workboard-after.png (418×1 px, 61 KB)

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

Do you want to try to work on this?

If not, maybe in a couple of weeks I can find some spare time

I'll see if I could get to it. Pretty new to this project, so if you could point some fingers to where I can find the dark mode stuff, it would be greatly appreciated. :)

Not quite as bad (it's at least semi-readable) but still fails accessibility guidelines: F281242

I noticed that, when you pick the "Dark Mode" theme, the CSS class phui-theme-blindigo is added to the documents.

The usage seems in this file:

$ grep -R 'phui-theme-blindigo' --include="*.css"

At the moment it just contains 6 CSS rules so I see a wide margin of contribution!

Keep us updated if you make attempts

To be honest you can just try to use the Firefox console and patch the stylesheet on the fly, and then share your rules here (with a description for each rule please). Kind of:

/* Dark Mode: wow bar was unreadable, now darker */
.phui-theme-blindigo .phabricator-main-menu-wow {
   background: 123;


Thanks, really helpful! I'll try to work on it

Here is pretty complete list of dark mode fails from the creator himself:

(And I've added the images in the task description for real - just as a better reference)

Cigaryno raised the priority of this task from Low to Normal.Jun 29 2023, 07:15
Cigaryno added a project: Accessibility.

The evidence that there are unfinished areas in dark mode is in its option, the option reads: Dark Mode (Expirimental). Users may opt into this 'expirimental' dark mode without realizing that there are unreadable areas until they go depper in the sea.

"experimental" means "not really working yet"... When it's fully usable, the "Experimental" label can be removed.

Yeah but I think the "Normal" priority is better than "Low" since we are hackers hating white screens and so that is quite important ihih

Does somebody want to work on this? Maybe in the next week-end I can try to hammer some CSS rules, thanks to the provided feedback :)

Also, I apologize for not completing this, hadn't had much spare time until recently. I will work on this soon.

Hi, I can also see this one that looks weird in big pannels available on dashboards

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-pannel.png (90×842 px, 5 KB)

In workboard, empty column's drop zone is a little bit 'agressive' isn't it ?

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-workboard.png (233×622 px, 12 KB)

Yeah bob, feel free to add your nice screenshots in the Task description for more visibility. You are a good minion!

Bukkit updated the task description. (Show Details)

I'll do it next time, I always do my best to serve my master !

In workboard, when maniphest's edit button style is broken on mouse over.

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-workboard-maniphest-edit.png (135×314 px, 8 KB)

bob updated the task description. (Show Details)

In workboard, when a maniphest's is drag and dropped, available triggers information windows is broken.

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-workboard-dnd-trigger-hint.png (103×325 px, 2 KB)

Concerning the dashbord's big pannel :

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-pannel.png (90×842 px, 5 KB)

We can imagine several options as illustrated below :

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-workboard-options.png (210×1 px, 17 KB)

  • Option 1 : Keep a gradient that looks like more/less what is currently implemented
--- a/webroot/rsrc/css/phui/object-item/phui-oi-list-view.css
+++ b/webroot/rsrc/css/phui/object-item/phui-oi-list-view.css
@@ -723,7 +723,11 @@ ul.phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-selectable
 .phui-oi-tail {
   text-align: center;
   padding: 8px 0;
-  background: linear-gradient({$lightbluebackground}, #fff 66%, #fff);
+  background: linear-gradient({$lightbluebackground}, transparent 66%, transparent);
  • Option 2 : Invert the gradient
--- a/webroot/rsrc/css/phui/object-item/phui-oi-list-view.css
+++ b/webroot/rsrc/css/phui/object-item/phui-oi-list-view.css
@@ -723,7 +723,11 @@ ul.phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-selectable
 .phui-oi-tail {
   text-align: center;
   padding: 8px 0;
-  background: linear-gradient({$lightbluebackground}, #fff 66%, #fff);
+  background: linear-gradient(transparent, {$lightbluebackground});
  • Option 3 : Remove the gradient
--- a/webroot/rsrc/css/phui/object-item/phui-oi-list-view.css
+++ b/webroot/rsrc/css/phui/object-item/phui-oi-list-view.css
@@ -723,7 +723,11 @@ ul.phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-selectable
 .phui-oi-tail {
   text-align: center;
   padding: 8px 0;
-  background: linear-gradient({$lightbluebackground}, #fff 66%, #fff);

IMHO, this gradient is not bringing anything there in term of UX since the button is clearly visible whatever the case. That's why so I would vote for option 3 but what's your opinion about that ?

Another on when displaying a maniphest with a lot of comments :

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-maniphest-comments-hidden.png (57×1 px, 6 KB)

Because there are more and more referenced issues and, because some of them may need further discussion in order to find the best solution, IMHO it may be a good idea to create a sub task for each issue reported isn't it ?

When an fatal exception is triggered :

screenshot-phorge-bug-darkmode-exception.png (172×1 px, 12 KB)

Another example of broken dark theme

image.png (955×1 px, 84 KB)

I can't reproduce it, it seems to be fixed.

Cigaryno updated the task description. (Show Details)