Phorge (flame)PublicChat suitable for do not disturb in the main channel - so to have spikes of high traffic and potentially a bit off-topic. You should unset email notifications here :D
@valerio.bozzolan It's Ferragosto so I don't remember anything! (Thanks for all the reviews!)
(sono a Esino Lario lol) Ferragosto, ogni patch tutto a posto -- D25767 ๐
Well, it's just an unit test ๐ฆ asd lรฆl
Do not take the wojak_depressed meme too seriously - but sometime it's mandatory to use it I think ihih
Is there some way to wildcard search a custom field so you return ALL Tasks (or I guess other objects but it's within Maniphest that I'm specifically concerned) that have any value in that field? The help docs mention ~ for the presence of a field and - for its absence, but that doesn't seem to work for custom fields (at least not on currently-released stable).
Hi all! Any tips for setting up a dev environment? I've been running Phabricator for years and have thought about doing some dev, but getting set up is non-trivial. What do most people do? Docker? Local dev with entries to hosts file? What about refreshing test data?
I'd be happy to put together a script to get a dev environment setup, but want to know how people generally work.
I wasn't aware of the lipsum tool. That'll probably solve my "refreshing test data" problem. It looks like I can create a generator by implementing a PhabricatorTestDataGenerator if needed. Thanks @aklapper !
I'll give the dockerfiles a go in a development container, that might take some of the work out of starting fresh and make it easier to switch dev machines. Thanks @valerio.bozzolan!
Cheers for your help! Much appreciated :)
Thanks slip. Is there anything specific that you would love to develop in Phorge?
I've been a phan of Phabricator years but in teams I've used it with there was friction getting by-in from non-programmers, using Phriction in particular.
I've stuck with it I prefer to visit one tool for the majority of my needs. There isn't one specific thing I'm after. But here are a few things that off the top of my head:
- WYSIWYG editing (I don't just work with coders)
- Graphing (I did see T15806 :) )
- Better project planning tools (I've seen an uptick in people using tools like Miro and Figma to brain dump and overwhelm teammates, something that can easily translate to tasks and getting them organised them would be nice)
- Support for development workflow customisation. "PR"-like support is one (I know this is potentially controversial)
- Almanac+Drydock support for spinning up containers
- Improved usability for Almanac+Drydock+Harbormaster
- Container registry management and integration
- Project deployment dashboard
- Backup management application
There are also issues that I've just deal with rather than reporting, like navigation issues on mobile including the application menu not updating.
I figured I should finally get around to seeing what's happening in the Phorge community, migrate from Phabricator and see if I can contribute in some way.
Browsing the hosted repositories I found R13 DeepClone which includes a .devcontainer configuration which I can use locally :)
What does the "Mute" really do? For example I'm subscribed in a Task, that I muted, but I still receive notifications if somebody comments.
Uh, I was not aware that this was available as default also in and not only in WMF GitLab
Hi @jeffrey do you have an instance where I can be invited to test a Mercurial repo? I just need visibility on an example Mercurial repo, not write permission lol
I assume nope
i love phorge (and phab's) witty messages
then again, this is coming from someone who managed to sneak in "OOPSIE WOOPSIE Uwu We made a fucky wucky A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!" into a security task, so i might be a bit biased xD
huh, til that !!this means something in remarkup!!
I'm quite sure that some OOPSIE WOOPSIE can land in commit messages of bug reports for better clarification to people who only understand this dialect :D
i will welcome our mikuchan03 overlords if they come
lol I hate while I type ":D" and a dagger appears as automcomplete ๐ก ๐ก
oh yeah, the emoji thing is annoying when i :p
๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ lol
oh yeah, why does the description mention that it's Public
(as in, this room description)
So people has a double info about this and don't paste secrets or insults here lol
don't paste secrets or insults here
wait, so i wasn't supposed to mention that putting <span style="color: purple">meow<>&'"</span> <script>alert(1)</script> causes the alert dialog to pop up in the extension-
Wit what
Currently playing thiz
ah, i think it's audits under email preferences? got that idea when i saw the header "References: <>"
[14/12/2024 00:07] <MirahezeRelay> <theonewhoeatmountain> [1/4] Anyway how do i like [14/12/2024 00:07] <MirahezeRelay> <theonewhoeatmountain> [2/4] Add a coment on a file after I like [14/12/2024 00:07] <MirahezeRelay> <theonewhoeatmountain> [3/4] Post it [14/12/2024 00:07] <MirahezeRelay> <theonewhoeatmountain> [4/4] Seems like I cant do anything though the edit option [14/12/2024 00:07] <MirahezeRelay> <theonewhoeatmountain> How [14/12/2024 00:09] <BlankEclair> are we talking about phorge? [14/12/2024 00:13] <MirahezeRelay> <pixldev> No [14/12/2024 00:13] <MirahezeRelay> <pixldev> Phorge is talking about you [14/12/2024 00:14] <BlankEclair> oh sweet lemme check on them
where's the discussion about me? /j
If your Phorge copy is on, check first if you have Herald rules with action "Send an email to rule author" acting on new commits
(and huh, i just noticed the email address...) ? (Not sure I understand correctly.)
@Cigaryno Note that "origin/master" is not a choice, but means that you are interacting with the "origin" remote website ( That remote can have multiple branches (one is master, one is stable). So origin/master means and origin/stable means
I will temporarily join Rust Conduit Client to create the workboard and then leave.
[PhOrGe PrOmO] Review D25823 now! 100% easy to test, 50% hard to master ๐
@aklapper we should have at least 25 minute free for a patch party @ fosdem
@valerio.bozzolan Eh eh at least we met :)
I tried to create a test instance, and it actually works and as excepted gets destroyed after 7 days.
OK. I'm impressed
Anyone in for reviewing some (hopefully) trivial PHP 8.1 fixes in,25868,25875#R ? <3
@slip when a user accepts a revision on this install, it will only be marked as 'Accepted' if the user is member of Blessed Committers as all revs have O1: Blessed Committers is Blocking so that users not member of Blessed Committers cannot fully approve revisions.
BTW I think everyone is really encouraged to click Accept Revision but really better to do it with a comment explaining what was tested and why, so we collaborate, and others can guess what was maybe ignored, or what is already strong-tested ๐
No worries. I saw the request this morning as an opportunity to contribute a little. The changes were simple and the tests passed, so I didn't elaborate.
Is miss understanding the intended accept/reject review workflow something that happens often? Usually I'd expect the option to not be available if the intent is to not want me to use it. Would an option to not show the accept/reject options for repositories something that would be useful?
I think everything I can thing about, including Gerrit, GitLab, GitHub, and Phorge included, has not any serious "reviewer welcoming toolkit". For Gerrit, GitHub and GitLab this is mostly because they just deny this kind of contributions. In the case of Phorge, we have the opportunity for better distinction for this "soft approve" ( T15510 )
In short no, I don't think that hiding/blocking a button would improve the review process
I know it is planned to replace rHP Home Page with R10 PhorgeIt Extension, but I think somebody should take care of T15801. Should I?
That's weird: in VSCode, the file I open from rP (which I cloned using git clone and used it for several revisions) has a DOS Newlines lint error on the first from arc-vscode (on ANY file, including .editorconfig, .arcconfig, etc.). This only happens when I open the folder containing the Phorge repo directly from a new VSCode window and click on any file in the Explorer pane.
@aklapper I can't wait for the next wmhack :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
I think it's been 3 years that I've been waiting to have a blessed committer on the side and with a cute laptopy (for more than 14 seconds I mean) lol
and possibly a beer or something
and possibly without a random person full-dressed like HelloKitty running away with the wallet of a random hacker and some unexpected other things to contour our night (?)
@valerio.bozzolan Yeah I'll be around if you want to enter a dreamworld of Phorge magic together with me (ideally this time without street fights and black eyes)