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Public**Public** chat suitable for do not disturb in the main channel - so to have spikes of high traffic. Tip: unset email notifications here :D

Hi @sirocyl if you want ethernal glory, feel free to propose a patch - I'm talking about this:

So basically you do local changes and then you run ../arcanist/bin arc diff

Hi @aklapper if you want to try your new +1/-1 review power, we have an easy-peasy thing here D25507

Yeah I need to catch up with a few things...may have some more time soon because no reallife work interfering :P

Jan 18th, 2024

Lol in this page there are 700+ talks and Phorge is the number 7

Jan 29th, 2024
Feb 1st, 2024

I mean in "Projects are hashtags are tags."

Feb 5th, 2024

Thanks @philj0st for the report in D25530 (you are now in the family of Trusted Contributors )

philj0st joined the room.

o/ no problem! thanks for the quick fix and warm welcome.

Feb 6th, 2024

I am trying to set up Differential for existing Bitbucket repos.
Users can login via Bitbucket OAuth. To observe a Bitbucket repo from Differential do I need a technical user in Bitbucket (either via https or ssh).
Am I correct in my assumption there's no way to directly use Bitbucket's access control via OAuth (scopes/claims)?
Would copying the Bitbucket access control manually to Phorge policies be the only way to do it?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. I'll gladly repost somewhere else if that's the case.

I'm quite sure that OAuth does not automagically import access controls at the moment, my friend

mmh yeah thought so :) thanks for the information!

(I'm also unaware of any similar software with a similar feature)

Probably best to ask in Ponder

I just don't get the big picture. I mean:

  • You have a repository on Diffusion, observing Bitbucket (nice, easy)
  • You want a nice OAuth login to Bitbucket (nice, easy I think)
  • You want
  • You want that ONLY some people can see the BitBucket repository in BitBucket, and you want that very same permission in your Diffusion (?)

Maybe you can extend the OAuth login to automagically import teams from BitBucket, and create as related Tag in Phorge, maybe with a prefix like "BitBucket-Team-*", and force these Tags to be not editable by nobody.

So your Diffusion is Visible by that "BitBucket-Team-Foo"

So, the more people connect to OAuth, the more teams you import and the more people join the right groups

Feb 8th, 2024

Great Idea! I might look into that. I'm also unaware of any similar software with a similar feature especially outside of the Atlassian stack, it was wishful thinking :) who knows.

And yes you got the big picture. My team used Upsource before, which has been sunset in 2023. We work trunk based and Bitbucket supports only PR-based reviews. For now we would mostly need Differential's features.

Feb 27th, 2024

@mturdus I'm trying to install the lovely Diagrams app following but "arc liberate" gives an error to me from Phorge directory

LOAD ERROR Failed to load library at location "/var/www/phorge/src". This library is specified by "Configuration (Project Config File (/var/www/phorge/.arcconfig))". Check that the setting is correct and the library is located in the right place.

The error is resolved if I remove src/extensions/diagrams

My stack trace is

For more information, see: at [<arcanist>/src/init/init-library.php:26]
arcanist(head=arcpatch-D25489, ref.master=8ef1ead6aca0, ref.arcpatch-D25489=8ef1ead6aca0), phorge(head=master, ref.master=e2bec4c1f58b)
  #0 __phutil_autoload(string) called at [<phorge>/src/extensions/diagrams/src/storage/Diagram.php:3]
  #1 PhutilBootloader::executeInclude(string) called at [<arcanist>/src/init/lib/PhutilBootloader.php:291]
  #2 PhutilBootloader::loadExtension(string, string, string) called at [<arcanist>/src/init/lib/PhutilBootloader.php:109]
  #3 PhutilBootloader::registerLibrary(string, string) called at [<arcanist>/src/init/lib/core.php:5]
  #4 phutil_register_library(string, string) called at [<phorge>/src/__phutil_library_init__.php:3]
  #5 include_once(string) called at [<arcanist>/src/init/lib/PhutilBootloader.php:251]
  #6 PhutilBootloader::executeInclude(string) called at [<arcanist>/src/init/lib/PhutilBootloader.php:215]
  #7 PhutilBootloader::loadLibrary(string) called at [<arcanist>/src/init/lib/moduleutils.php:40]
  #8 phutil_load_library(string) called at [<arcanist>/src/runtime/ArcanistRuntime.php:457]
  #9 ArcanistRuntime::loadLibrary(ArcanistConfigurationEngine, string, string) called at [<arcanist>/src/runtime/ArcanistRuntime.php:374]
  #10 ArcanistRuntime::loadLibraries(ArcanistConfigurationEngine, ArcanistConfigurationSourceList, PhutilArgumentParser) called at [<arcanist>/src/runtime/ArcanistRuntime.php:104]
  #11 ArcanistRuntime::executeCore(array) called at [<arcanist>/src/runtime/ArcanistRuntime.php:37]
  #12 ArcanistRuntime::execute(array) called at [<arcanist>/support/init/init-arcanist.php:6]
  #13 require_once(string) called at [<arcanist>/bin/arc:10]

I mean, prefixed by

[2024-02-27 10:13:21] EXCEPTION: (PhutilMissingSymbolException) Failed to load symbol "DiagramDAO" (of type "class or interface").

The class or interface "DiagramDAO" is not defined in the library map of any loaded library.

(The class is there in ./src/extensions/diagrams/storage/DiagramDAO.php)

Feb 28th, 2024

@aklapper I'm starting to have fun writing branch names for Differential folks - thanks again for that life lesson

Feb 29th, 2024

@20after4 Ouch I see we have no documentation in No documentation here about that Remarkup feature. If you hack the document I will immediately +1

Mar 12th, 2024

Hi @tsc you are now in the family of Trusted Contributors - thanks for any task

Mar 13th, 2024

Would you like to go to court to defend that statement? :)


Mar 25th, 2024
tsc joined the room.

Oh did not see that chat and I'm spamming the main channel.

Don't worry be flame

Still need someone to look at my stuff If I'm doing it right: D25558

Mar 26th, 2024

Hi, I need more context. What is that patch supposed to do, which problem is that patch supposed to solve? Editing its title and description is welcome :)

The patch in itself is not that useful, it would be more usefull if you could watch the whole file in it's current state, because I'm implementing this extension from scratch and want to know if I'm doing it right.

@aklapper I updated the description. I hope it is more clear what needs to be done.

Apr 16th, 2024

@bekay probably n.3 and n.4 should be swapped in the README (?)

Apr 24th, 2024

@Jack_who_built_the_house please set these as visible to everybody F2157279 F2157280 - sorry for this extra step

BTW can I ask you, how you embedded these files?
We are probably missing some automatic-attachment hook

May 18th, 2024

The next week I will be on heavy vacancy, so I will be probably more available for little tests and reviews lol
Thanks @aklapper for the true fun in this period. I love having Differential full of stuff and vibrant lol

Heh, thanks in advance. :D Installed PHPStan for code analysis so there's a good bunch of things to fix and a few more complicated ones to come

OK, I'm scared now lol

We all are. But together, we will face and overcome our fears! Doubleswear.

May 20th, 2024

wait, where did my messages here go?

What makes you think there were some?

May 21st, 2024

not sure, i sort of recall having some messages here, guess im recalling wrong :P

May 31st, 2024

@aklapper btw imagine an Italian port authority telling «"salga a bordo cazzo"» to an Italian capitan that means “fucking get on board.”

Heh, you remind me of my favorite escalation moments in Italy after that Wikimania conference :D

Really thanks @aklapper since only thanks to your bugs I discovered, today, how the damn "app welcome messages" are rendered

Heh, while I'm still screaming over very strange Javelin JS behavior here :D

Jun 3rd, 2024

God will bless whoever will master Javelin

I barely understand how to find an element in the DOM with that

And it seems the most expensive thing in the planet to me, since it's a manual for-loop over direct children and so on

All the sigil things is relatable, but insteresting and understandable, for CSS/HTML separation. But then, why the hell to find a sigil I must express its specific HTML tag name? If I want separation, and I want to assign a sigil on a tag, it's nonsense to stuck on a specific HTML tag and look for ul tags with dog sigil, and does not work if I migrate that sigil to a div

The reason is: finding an element by sigil name is slow. So, users must find elements by tag-name + sigil-name, thereby losing the desired separation

Jun 18th, 2024

Heads-up: I plan to accept the CSS modernization changes in but a second person testing is ofc welcome

For that patch I suggest the "whatcouldgowrong" macro

Jun 20th, 2024
Mr08J joined the room.
Jul 17th, 2024

Maybe notable for

The last one is quite important/critical imvho asd

Jul 21st, 2024

OK I will stop editing Phorge, I've maked 5 typos in a row. Maybe better to sleep a bit.

Aug 2nd, 2024

I think it's the time to double-test D25051 and land it 🌈

Oh the tradeoff between working on your own Phorge patches versus reviewing other people's Phorge patches versus doing other work in your day job :D

Aug 15th, 2024

In my computer I have a branch called D25505-ciao-cipollina and it rings a bell

@valerio.bozzolan It's Ferragosto so I don't remember anything! (Thanks for all the reviews!)

Aug 16th, 2024

(sono a Esino Lario lol) Ferragosto, ogni patch tutto a posto -- D25767 🌈

ehehe, patch review, argh

Aug 17th, 2024

Well, it's just an unit test 🦄 asd læl

Sep 9th, 2024

Do not take the wojak_depressed meme too seriously - but sometime it's mandatory to use it I think ihih

Sep 13th, 2024
keithzg joined the room.

Is there some way to wildcard search a custom field so you return ALL Tasks (or I guess other objects but it's within Maniphest that I'm specifically concerned) that have any value in that field? The help docs mention ~ for the presence of a field and - for its absence, but that doesn't seem to work for custom fields (at least not on currently-released stable).

Sep 15th, 2024
slip joined the room.

Hi all! Any tips for setting up a dev environment? I've been running Phabricator for years and have thought about doing some dev, but getting set up is non-trivial. What do most people do? Docker? Local dev with entries to hosts file? What about refreshing test data?
I'd be happy to put together a script to get a dev environment setup, but want to know how people generally work.

Sep 16th, 2024

Hi slip! Personally I've set it up locally on a Linux machine and Apache httpd (and it felt pretty easy to me). Could you elaborate on "refreshing test data"? Pretty often running "./bin/lipsum" can be sufficient or do you refer to tweaking settings?

@slip you may be interested in some comments in T15061

I wasn't aware of the lipsum tool. That'll probably solve my "refreshing test data" problem. It looks like I can create a generator by implementing a PhabricatorTestDataGenerator if needed. Thanks @aklapper !

I'll give the dockerfiles a go in a development container, that might take some of the work out of starting fresh and make it easier to switch dev machines. Thanks @valerio.bozzolan!

Cheers for your help! Much appreciated :)

Sep 17th, 2024

Thanks slip. Is there anything specific that you would love to develop in Phorge?

I've been a phan of Phabricator years but in teams I've used it with there was friction getting by-in from non-programmers, using Phriction in particular.

I've stuck with it I prefer to visit one tool for the majority of my needs. There isn't one specific thing I'm after. But here are a few things that off the top of my head:

  • WYSIWYG editing (I don't just work with coders)
  • Graphing (I did see T15806 :) )
  • Better project planning tools (I've seen an uptick in people using tools like Miro and Figma to brain dump and overwhelm teammates, something that can easily translate to tasks and getting them organised them would be nice)
  • Support for development workflow customisation. "PR"-like support is one (I know this is potentially controversial)
  • Almanac+Drydock support for spinning up containers
  • Improved usability for Almanac+Drydock+Harbormaster
  • Container registry management and integration
  • Project deployment dashboard
  • Backup management application

There are also issues that I've just deal with rather than reporting, like navigation issues on mobile including the application menu not updating.

I figured I should finally get around to seeing what's happening in the Phorge community, migrate from Phabricator and see if I can contribute in some way.

Heh, welcome to the party :)

Browsing the hosted repositories I found R13 DeepClone which includes a .devcontainer configuration which I can use locally :)

Sep 22nd, 2024
Kutter07 joined the room.
Oct 15th, 2024

What does the "Mute" really do? For example I'm subscribed in a Task, that I muted, but I still receive notifications if somebody comments.

Oct 18th, 2024

In theory you shouldn't. But what kind of notifications (web, mail)?

Also, does anyone have an answer to the "How to best support Phorge" question in Q156? :)

...or does everyone feel like "I individually don't feel like I can speak for this project"? :D

Uh, I was not aware that this was available as default also in and not only in WMF GitLab