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Fix Arcanist in PHP 8.1+ (testing the Phorge repo)
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Let's focus on Arcanist first, since Arcanist is now (2023) not supported by any stable official version of PHP and this is a problem for its end-users.

Most of these issues are probably not caused by Arcanist itself, but by Phorge tests executed by Arcanist.

A brief riepilogue:

So, let's try to concentrate directly on PHP 8.2 support since that is the current official stable.

How to install PHP 8.2 in your distribution to do tests

In Ubuntu, start with this page: in short:

Install PHP 8.2 in Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt update
sudo apt install php8.2 php8.2-cli php8.2-mbstring php8.2-iconv php8.2-mysql php8.2-curl

In Debian:

Install PHP 8.2 in Debian
# execute the instructions from this file:

# then
sudo apt install php8.2 php8.2-cli php8.2-mbstring php8.2-iconv php8.2-mysql php8.2-curl


Use Debian GNU/Linux bullseye (current stable) that is shipped with PHP 7.3 (

Use Ubuntu focal 20.04 LTS that is shipped with PHP 7.4 (

Use any other version of Ubuntu, installing another version of PHP in a safe way ( - example:

Install old PHP in Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt update
sudo apt install php7.4 php7.4-cli php7.4-mbstring php7.4-iconv php7.4-mysql php7.4-curl

Use any other version of Debian, installing another version of PHP in a safe way ( example:

Install old PHP in Debian
# execute the instructions from this file:

# then

sudo apt update
sudo apt install php7.4 php7.4-cli php7.4-mbstring php7.4-iconv php7.4-mysql php7.4-curl

Current situation

CommandAffected byFixed in
arc lintT15188 , T15257D25092
arc unit (basic)T15188D25092
arc unit --everythingT15201 + T15200D25100 + D25099 + D25104
arc diff (basic)T15188D25092
arc patchT15254 + T15259 + T15367D25123 + D25128 + D25205
arc branches✅ Works
arc paste✅ Works
arc look remotesT15368D25206

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Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as High priority.
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public.
valerio.bozzolan renamed this task from Fix Arcanist in PHP 8.2 to Fix Arcanist in PHP 8.2 (testing the Phorge repo).Mar 27 2023, 05:40
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)
Restricted Repository Identity closed subtask T15222: Fix arc unit--everything in PHP 8.2 as Resolved.Mar 31 2023, 20:06

Wow. Probably this can be considered resolved.

Let's keep this open for few days and see if we receive more reports.

valerio.bozzolan renamed this task from Fix Arcanist in PHP 8.2 (testing the Phorge repo) to Fix Arcanist in PHP 8.1+ (testing the Phorge repo).Apr 30 2023, 20:40