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Task with graph issue won't show
Open, NormalPublic


T15064 has something wrong with the graph, which causes the whole page not to load.

Ideally, we'll track down the real issue, but first we should fail more gracefully.

Stack trace:

Undefined index: PHID-TASK-7nsqj4gmspgyirmlgejq
Depth	Library	File	Where
6	arcanist	utils/AbstractDirectedGraph.php : 126	PhutilErrorHandler::handleError()
5	phorge	infrastructure/graph/PhabricatorObjectGraph.php : 202	AbstractDirectedGraph::getNodesInTopologicalOrder()
4	phorge	applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskDetailController.php : 129	PhabricatorObjectGraph::newGraphTable()
3	phorge	aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php : 284	ManiphestTaskDetailController::handleRequest()
2	phorge	aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php : 204	AphrontApplicationConfiguration::processRequest()
1		/var/www/phorge/webroot/index.php : 35	AphrontApplicationConfiguration::runHTTPRequest()

Additional context:

Event Timeline

avivey triaged this task as Normal priority.

This script can be used to download the entire graph:
#! /usr/bin/env python3

from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pprint import pprint
import json
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from typing import Iterable, List, Set, NamedTuple, Dict

delay_seconds = 0.5
call_limit = 4

PHID = str

conduit_uri = ""
start_from = ["PHID-TASK-pz4qindlie7wqhn7ez6j"]

EDGE_TYPES = {"parent": "task.parent", "child": "task.subtask"}

class VisitedItem:
    parents: Set[PHID]
    children: Set[PHID]

    def new():
        return VisitedItem(set(), set())

class EdgeData(NamedTuple):
    src: PHID
    dst: PHID
    type: str

    def from_dict(input: dict):
        return EdgeData(

def get_edges(phids: Iterable[PHID]) -> List[EdgeData]:
    params = {
        "sourcePHIDs": list(phids),
        "types": list(EDGE_TYPES.values()),
        "limit": 1000,

    print("Making conduit call...")

    params = json.dumps(params)
    response_raw = subprocess.check_output(
        ["arc", "--conduit-uri", conduit_uri, "call-conduit", "--", ""],

    response = json.loads(response_raw)
    assert response["error"] is None, response_raw
    response = response["response"]
    assert response["cursor"]["after"] is None, response_raw
    return [EdgeData.from_dict(data) for data in response["data"]]

graph_data: Dict[PHID, VisitedItem] = defaultdict(
to_visit: Set[PHID] = set(start_from)
visited: Set[PHID] = set()

while to_visit and call_limit > 0:
    new_edges = get_edges(to_visit)
    call_limit -= 1

    mentioned_phids = {e.src for e in new_edges} | {e.dst for e in new_edges}

    child_edges = {e for e in new_edges if e.type == EDGE_TYPES["child"]}
    parent_edges = {e for e in new_edges if e.type == EDGE_TYPES["parent"]}

    for edge in child_edges:
    for edge in parent_edges:

    visited |= to_visit
    to_visit = mentioned_phids - visited

    if call_limit <= 0 and to_visit:
        print("Reached call limit with unvisited nodes.")


class JsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, VisitedItem):
            return {
                "parents": list(obj.parents),
                "children": list(obj.children),
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

with open("task_graph.json", "wt") as storage:
    json.dump(dict(graph_data), storage, indent=2, cls=JsonEncoder)

And this one will produce a graph that can be loaded in to Mermaid.js:
#! /usr/bin/env python3

import json

with open("task_graph.json") as storage:
    data = json.load(storage)

graph = set()

for phid, edges in data.items():
    graph |= {f"{phid} --> {child}" for child in edges["children"]}
    graph |= {f"{parent} --> {phid}" for parent in edges["parents"]}

graph = "\n".join(graph)
graph = graph.replace("PHID-TASK-", "")

with open("graph-code.txt", "wt") as output: