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deadalnix (Amaury Séchet)


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Jun 10 2021, 11:53 (163 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Dec 5 2022

deadalnix added a comment to T15059: Phabricator doesn't email addresses.

It is almost certainly due to some DNS config. Modern email provider expect a ton of different config in there, and they are quite tricky to get right.

Dec 5 2022, 20:44 · install

Mar 1 2022

deadalnix added a comment to D25031: Fix most PHP 8.1 and 8.2 issues.

I've been think about what to do with this for a while, and I have to say, it's a hard one.

Mar 1 2022, 22:16 · Phorge

Aug 17 2021

Chucky awarded rP2258ba8535d5: Add package.json for aphlict a Y So Serious token.
Aug 17 2021, 13:54

Jul 23 2021

deadalnix added a comment to D25014: (PhabricatorENV) update doclinks to link to instead of

It is a step forward, but considering how the URL could be factorized would be a plus, IMO.

Jul 23 2021, 23:37
deadalnix accepted D25014: (PhabricatorENV) update doclinks to link to instead of
Jul 23 2021, 23:36

Jul 13 2021

deadalnix created T15031: Track phabricator's changes.
Jul 13 2021, 12:18
deadalnix added a subtask for T15030: Support a Phorge Extensions ecosystem: T15018: Make Harbormaster more generally usable and extendable.
Jul 13 2021, 12:14 · Extension Development, Phactory: Community Projects, Phorge
deadalnix added a parent task for T15018: Make Harbormaster more generally usable and extendable: T15030: Support a Phorge Extensions ecosystem.
Jul 13 2021, 12:14 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Jul 12 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15028: bare domain usage? .

I sent @ toward too.

Jul 12 2021, 11:47 · Systems

Jul 9 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15010: Vision Statement.

Are we supposed to make a similar lengthy statement?

Jul 9 2021, 21:48 · Phorge, Governance

Jul 7 2021

deadalnix added inline comments to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
Jul 7 2021, 14:53 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Jul 6 2021

deadalnix added inline comments to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
Jul 6 2021, 23:02 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix updated the diff for D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
  • Rebase
  • Fix error mssage in HarbormasterCircleCIBuildStepImplementation
  • Add some comments explaining what's up in HarbormasterExternalBuildableInterface
Jul 6 2021, 23:02 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.

Thanks for the review @speck , I'll rebase this and update.

Jul 6 2021, 22:37 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Jul 2 2021

bfs awarded Image Macro "chadyes" a Like token.
Jul 2 2021, 08:14

Jun 30 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15010: Vision Statement.

The vision statement really is fantastic.

Jun 30 2021, 13:52 · Phorge, Governance

Jun 28 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15024: Landbot discussion(s), and generally ensuring that what is landed is what was reviewed.
In T15024#725, @speck wrote:

This is an area I'm interested in with regards to Harbormaster's future, though I don't have any clear designs on anything. The concept of a merge queue is interesting and something we've started looking into at my company. Here are some resources we've looked at:

Jun 28 2021, 13:34 · Discussion Needed

Jun 27 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15024: Landbot discussion(s), and generally ensuring that what is landed is what was reviewed.
In T15024#720, @eax wrote:
In T15024#716, @avivey wrote:

The plan upstream was to (eventually) have arc land trigger T182, and do the whole thing server-side.

We do this at $employer. There is even a button in the web UI to land. We use the staging area revision + drydock + harbormaster to good effect.

Jun 27 2021, 16:53 · Discussion Needed
deadalnix added a comment to T15024: Landbot discussion(s), and generally ensuring that what is landed is what was reviewed.

diff breaks master after rebase

Is there anyway at all to determine which commit a revision diff was compared to, and "if this is not HEAD" don't allow the land? (forcing users to re-base and resubmit their diff?)

I am not sure how bad this would gum up everything and/or in high-volume environments...nothing ever gets landed...

Jun 27 2021, 16:51 · Discussion Needed
deadalnix added a comment to T15024: Landbot discussion(s), and generally ensuring that what is landed is what was reviewed.
In T15024#716, @avivey wrote:

For the "diff breaks master after rebase" situation - the only solution for this is to have the CI run a rebase before running the tests, or have the CI part of the Landing flow, allowing it to block the push. This does slow the Landing situation, and makes it basically impossible to parallelize, but it's probably worth it if commits to a specific repository aren't very frequent and the CI is fast.

Jun 27 2021, 16:39 · Discussion Needed

Jun 26 2021

deadalnix added a comment to D25002: T15006: Replacing external-facing trademarks/assets.
In D25002#451, @avivey wrote:

If you can break it to one diff with the new method/css stuff and one or two string changes, and several with only string change, we can just review it and land them one at a time.

I can get a script to split a commit into smaller commits, so if you split it to "new code" and "everything else", the other breakdown would be easy.

Jun 26 2021, 11:08

Jun 25 2021

deadalnix accepted D25012: Updated .arclint in Phorge to exclude package-lock.json from Aphlict setup.
Jun 25 2021, 22:41
deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.

So I setup an instance and a dummy project with CircleCI integration.

Jun 25 2021, 01:29 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Jun 24 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15004: Decide who has admin/commit/security access.

Great! Thanks @Matthew .

Jun 24 2021, 17:40 · Governance, Phorge
deadalnix added a member for Blessed Roots: deadalnix.
Jun 24 2021, 17:38
deadalnix added a comment to T15014: Develop a Phorge Release Process.
In T15014#671, @avivey wrote:

Now, can we get a setup with CircleCI going so that we can test things?

Everybody else is busy with the rebrand/startup process. You should be able to create a free account and test from your own environment - I think that's how Evan developed it originally.

Jun 24 2021, 17:13 · Phorge
deadalnix added a comment to T15014: Develop a Phorge Release Process.
In T15014#622, @speck wrote:

I'm redirecting the discussion from D25011 to this task

Jun 24 2021, 14:48 · Phorge
deadalnix added a comment to D25002: T15006: Replacing external-facing trademarks/assets.

@speck What you have here seems reasonable to me. Can you propose this upstream and see how it goes?

Jun 24 2021, 12:19
deadalnix added a comment to T15008: Build Welcome Site.
In T15008#573, @jupe wrote:

should we also start working on the content?

Jun 24 2021, 00:33 · install (DEPRECATED), Upstream General/Unknown
deadalnix added a comment to D25002: T15006: Replacing external-facing trademarks/assets.

How many of them are there? Eyeballing P2, it's of the order of 500. There are 5 people in this task, we can do 15/day and be done in a week. That doesn't sound intractable if we are all willing to chip in.

Jun 24 2021, 00:19
deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
In D25011#376, @jupe wrote:

To add my two cents on this:

Of all the point raised, only the one about testing seems to fall in the category of good process, and even then, the part on unit tests still kind of falls in the wrong bucket

I have the feeling that the issue at hands is a different perception of priorities. I agree with you on the fact that we should be goal oriented: right now different people might have different goals in mind.

Jun 24 2021, 00:07 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Jun 23 2021

deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
In D25011#370, @avivey wrote:

@deadalnix: want to move the bigger discussion to a ny task? I'm on a mobile right now.

Jun 23 2021, 23:54 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
In D25011#365, @chris wrote:

Doesn't CircleCI have some API contract that we can stub out? If the requests + payloads Harbormaster is sending out to CircleCI endpoints pre- and post- this patch are unchanged, and those conform to CircleCI's published API spec, then like, (1) that's all testable, and (2) that's a good assurance that nothing's breaking as a function of this patch that wasn't already broken prior to it. Saying something can't be tested because it calls to an external system feels like a little bit of a cop-out. We can't control what CircleCI does with a request Harbormaster sends, and that's a totally fair point, but we can control what Harbormaster sends to it and when, and ensure that what we're doing conforms to their published documentation.

Jun 23 2021, 15:14 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
In D25011#366, @avivey wrote:

One point that you raised and I disagree with: we do have lots of users right now. We (I) consider all the installs of Phabricator to be Phorge installs in-waiting; we want to keep compatibility there, for a while yet - to ease their transition.

And in addition, there's a limited amount of attention we all can allocate to the project; if we spend time reviewing this change, we take that time away from the bootstrap process.

Jun 23 2021, 14:20 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
In D25011#365, @chris wrote:

Slowing things down is rarely a good idea ever - at least for the reasons external to the patch in question, rejecting a patches because it's not good if obviously just fine. I reject that point outright.

How is IP assigned currently? We have no CLA, no legal entity stewarding the project. Are we inviting something like the SCO-Linux dispute (obv a worst-case scenario)? What happens if one of our employers takes an interest and attempts to assert ownership of any IP we've individually contributed? Are we at risk of infringing on Phacility trademarks by actively developing, extending, and offering as our own something that, to an end user, ostensibly still calls itself "Phabricator" in 1500-odd user-facing places across the entire application? Do we even know?

100% IANAL, I have no subject matter expertise in any of this. I fully admit I could just be catastrophizing. If the answer to all this is, "Yup, everythong's a-ok, carry on", then that's awesome. But I don't think we have any answers yet, and that feels like it could potentially become problematic down the road. The cost of doing our due diligence here is a couple weeks' delay on some active development; the potential cost of not doing it is we have to rip out functional parts of the codebase and rewrite them because we messed up on IP assignment and licensing.

Jun 23 2021, 14:08 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix updated the diff for D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.

Do lint and fix error raised by the linter

Jun 23 2021, 13:57 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a revision to T15018: Make Harbormaster more generally usable and extendable: D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
Jun 23 2021, 13:29 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a task to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place: T15018: Make Harbormaster more generally usable and extendable.
Jun 23 2021, 13:29 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a comment to D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.

A few things on here.

Jun 23 2021, 13:28 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix retitled D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place from Remove CircleCi specific code from all over the place
Jun 23 2021, 02:23 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Jun 22 2021

deadalnix requested review of D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.
Jun 22 2021, 23:53 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
deadalnix added a comment to T15009: Evaluate legal organization format ("Foundation").

I would like to note that France has what the local law calls association loi 1901, which is very advantageous for a open source projects. In short it is an entity that can own stuff, accept donation, but cannot do for profit operations. Projects such as VLC and ffmpeg are using this. The requirement are very lax (you basically need to have an address somewhere in France for administrative bullshit) and have at least 3 founders. They don't need to be French or live in France, in fact, last time I checked, you could even do one as an illegal emigrant, which I found funny. I had a long chat with Jena Baptiste Kempf who created VLC about this for the last big open source project, but we ended up going for a structure in HK because we had Chinese users and donors and that was easier administratively this way. Chinese special case excluded, this was by far the best option we had.

Jun 22 2021, 23:01 · Phorge, Governance
deadalnix added a comment to T15016: Update default storage namespace.

@chris Option 3: when upgrading an existing instance, and *IF* the storage.default-namespace is not set explicitly, prompt the user.

Jun 22 2021, 13:16

Jun 21 2021

deadalnix closed D25005: Add HarbormasterHookController as an entry point for all Harbormaster hooks.
Jun 21 2021, 19:20
deadalnix closed T15019: Make Aphlict a node package as Resolved.

I see that this has been added to the changelog already here: . Fantastic!

Jun 21 2021, 11:43 · Aphlict
deadalnix added a comment to T15019: Make Aphlict a node package.

I landed the code, but leaving the task open because we need to add a release note whenever we know where they go.

Jun 21 2021, 11:39 · Aphlict
deadalnix committed rPe7740c8669b4: Add HarbormasterHookController as an entry point for all Harbormaster hooks.
Add HarbormasterHookController as an entry point for all Harbormaster hooks
Jun 21 2021, 10:48 · Harbormaster (archived)
deadalnix closed D25006: Add package.json for aphlict.
Jun 21 2021, 10:46
deadalnix committed rP2258ba8535d5: Add package.json for aphlict.
Add package.json for aphlict
Jun 21 2021, 10:46
deadalnix updated the diff for D25006: Add package.json for aphlict.


Jun 21 2021, 10:46
deadalnix added a comment to D25006: Add package.json for aphlict.

I'm going to land this one as to not wait on things that are not sorted out, with the obvious note that a release note would be advantageous.

Jun 21 2021, 10:42

Jun 20 2021

Matthew awarded Image Macro "chadyes" a Love token.
Jun 20 2021, 02:11
deadalnix accepted D25008: Update Diviner documentation to reference Phorge instead of Phabricator for Arcanist..
Jun 20 2021, 00:17

Jun 19 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15014: Develop a Phorge Release Process.

TBH, I don't think we need to revise it, especially not at this time. It's been working. If we find there are problems with it later down the road, we can revise.

Jun 19 2021, 21:59 · Phorge
deadalnix created Image Macro "chadyes".
Jun 19 2021, 21:58
deadalnix added a comment to D25006: Add package.json for aphlict.

My only concern here is that technically this introduces issues for any user install that already contains an untracked package support/aphlict/server/package-lock.json

I feel that this needs to be addressed in "release notes" or "upgrade notes" somewhere - However, we do not yet have this process defined?

This was handled by Phacility/Phabricator with their changelog and process for promoting stable

Jun 19 2021, 20:31
deadalnix added a comment to D25003: Arcanist Update .arcconfig to point to
In D25003#206, @speck wrote:

I updated the herald rules to use O1 so it should work fine next time

Jun 19 2021, 17:22
deadalnix updated the diff for D25006: Add package.json for aphlict.


Jun 19 2021, 17:17
deadalnix added a comment to D25004: Update .gitignore to account for package-lock.json.


Jun 19 2021, 17:16 · Aphlict
deadalnix requested review of D25006: Add package.json for aphlict.
Jun 19 2021, 17:15
deadalnix requested review of D25005: Add HarbormasterHookController as an entry point for all Harbormaster hooks.
Jun 19 2021, 14:55
deadalnix added a comment to D25002: T15006: Replacing external-facing trademarks/assets.

As an asside, you might want to split up the logo rename part of that diff in another diff, this should be able to get in eight away, and there is no reason to wait on a resolution for the translation business to move on with it.

Jun 19 2021, 13:56
deadalnix added inline comments to D25002: T15006: Replacing external-facing trademarks/assets.
Jun 19 2021, 13:54
deadalnix added inline comments to D25002: T15006: Replacing external-facing trademarks/assets.
Jun 19 2021, 11:00
deadalnix added a comment to T15004: Decide who has admin/commit/security access.

@eax I created O1 for that purpose.

Jun 19 2021, 10:49 · Governance, Phorge
deadalnix added a comment to D25004: Update .gitignore to account for package-lock.json.

While I'm not super familiar with this setup, it is customary in the node space to commit package-lock.json int he repository. If it is intended to put stuff in there which are not to be committed at all - the folder is a placeholder - then it is best to ignore the whole folder. If committing what's in there is intended, then package-lock.json should be included.

Jun 19 2021, 10:44 · Aphlict

Jun 15 2021

jupe awarded T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users a Like token.
Jun 15 2021, 16:44 · Upstream General/Unknown

Jun 13 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15003: Configure default dashboards / sidebars / favourites.

No need to apologize, i wasn't super clear myself, so let me try to make my point in a more cogent manner. The main thing that bothered me with what happen is that our default should be to use the phorge's default (that I happen to find good myself, but it is not super relevant to the point). This comes down to dogfooding. The default configuration is what we are going to put into people's hand. We must ensure this is as good as possible for as many users as possible right out of the bat. This will never happen if the standard phorge install doesn't use the default, because what's out of sight also typically is out of mind.

Jun 13 2021, 11:46 · Upstream General/Unknown
20after4 awarded T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users a Like token.
Jun 13 2021, 01:59 · Upstream General/Unknown

Jun 12 2021

Ekubischta awarded T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users a Like token.
Jun 12 2021, 14:28 · Upstream General/Unknown

Jun 11 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users.

Also, S1 isn't public, contrary to what the name says, so this effectively just changes the error message at the moment.

Jun 11 2021, 23:41 · Upstream General/Unknown
deadalnix added a comment to T15003: Configure default dashboards / sidebars / favourites.

This nevertheless regressed the dashboard for everybody vs what was before. I'm sorry but I don't want to be welcome to create my own dashboard with the information I see fit on it, because I had one that was pretty good to begin with. You just broke everybody's dashboard. If it is for logged out users, and you don't want to put it up now, then just park it somewhere.

Jun 11 2021, 23:38 · Upstream General/Unknown
deadalnix added a comment to T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users.
In T15007#182, @Matthew wrote:

We are holding off, until other tasks in T15000 are complete.

Jun 11 2021, 23:32 · Upstream General/Unknown
deadalnix added a comment to T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users.


  • differential: default view policy: public
  • diffusion: default view policy: public and default push policy; blessed committers
  • maniphest: default view policy: public and default edit policy: task author or trusted contributors.
  • project: default view policy: public
  • paste: default view policy; public
  • countdown: default view policy; public
Jun 11 2021, 23:31 · Upstream General/Unknown
deadalnix changed the Default View Policy policy for application Paste from All Users to Public (No Login Required).
Jun 11 2021, 23:26
deadalnix changed the Default View Policy policy for application Countdown from All Users to Public (No Login Required).
Jun 11 2021, 23:25
deadalnix changed the Default View Policy policy for application Projects from All Users to Public (No Login Required).
Jun 11 2021, 23:25
deadalnix added a comment to T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users.

So I edited policy.allow-public and set it to true in the DB.

Jun 11 2021, 23:24 · Upstream General/Unknown
deadalnix changed the Default Edit Policy policy for application Maniphest from All Users to Custom Policy.
Jun 11 2021, 23:23
deadalnix changed the Default View Policy policy for application Maniphest from All Users to Public (No Login Required).
Jun 11 2021, 23:22
deadalnix changed the Default View Policy policy for application Diffusion from All Users to Public (No Login Required).
Jun 11 2021, 23:21
deadalnix changed the Default View Policy policy for application Differential from All Users to Public (No Login Required).
Jun 11 2021, 23:21
deadalnix created T15007: Extends access to part of phorge to logged out users.
Jun 11 2021, 22:33 · Upstream General/Unknown
deadalnix reopened T15003: Configure default dashboards / sidebars / favourites as "Open".

I'm going to have to be honest here. While this is more appropriate for logged out users, this is a net regression for a regular user.

Jun 11 2021, 22:30 · Upstream General/Unknown
chris empowered deadalnix as an administrator.
Jun 11 2021, 01:15

Jun 10 2021

deadalnix added a comment to T15004: Decide who has admin/commit/security access.

So some feedback from my experience doing this in the open.

Jun 10 2021, 22:35 · Governance, Phorge