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Show title entirely and cut of secondary information gracefully in typeahead results of main search

Authored by bekay on Jan 18 2024, 13:24.
Referenced Files
F3300776: D25520.1743047006.diff
Wed, Mar 26, 03:43
F3298120: D25520.1742996739.diff
Tue, Mar 25, 13:45
F3293437: D25520.1742913104.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 14:31
F3289693: D25520.1742852048.diff
Sun, Mar 23, 21:34
F3285064: D25520.1742792874.diff
Sun, Mar 23, 05:07
F3282413: D25520.1742716434.diff
Sat, Mar 22, 07:53
F3281726: D25520.1742691981.diff
Sat, Mar 22, 01:06
F3280939: D25520.1742664840.diff
Fri, Mar 21, 17:34



This revision increases the usability of the typeahead results of the main search (on the right in the top bar).
The result texts wont't overflow in a reasonable way.

image.png (340×366 px, 25 KB)
image.png (383×359 px, 25 KB)

The result title (red box) will now break so the user can read and understand it.
The result type (blue box) will be cut off inside the padding with an ellipsis.

See T15715

Test Plan

Check it out and use the main search in the top bar to create typeahead result with very long titles ;)

Nothing changes for short titles.

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

bekay requested review of this revision.Jan 18 2024, 13:24

Tested and I like it. Thanks :3

Please wait a couple of days at least before landing, to have more watchers

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 18 2024, 13:50
valerio.bozzolan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

please make the title more descriptive of the actual change (what it's doing) - "improve usability" is very vague.
maybe "don't hide title in search" or something like that.

bekay retitled this revision from Increases usability of typeahead results of main search to Show title completly and cut of secondary information grave in typeahead results of main search.Jan 18 2024, 13:58
bekay retitled this revision from Show title completly and cut of secondary information grave in typeahead results of main search to Show title entirely and cut of secondary information gracefully in typeahead results of main search.

also - need to run bin/celerity map before landing?

also - need to run bin/celerity map before landing?

The new map should be part of the revision. I will make a diff...