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Allow awarding Tokens to individual Comments
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Sep 22 2021, 16:15
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"Love" token, awarded by aklapper."Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by CryingWolf."Like" token, awarded by valerio.bozzolan."Like" token, awarded by tiguchi."Love" token, awarded by dtf."Cup of Joe" token, awarded by ian."Like" token, awarded by Labricator."Like" token, awarded by MacFan4000."Like" token, awarded by lens0021."Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by G."The World Burns" token, awarded by Leon95."Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by chris."Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by Ekubischta.


I think by now, it's clear that allowing tokens/emoji responses on comments is a feature that is widely used, and occasionally even useful.

There might be some performance costs here on pages with lots of visible comments.
The biggest technical challenge for this is that comments don't actually have PHIDs - I think comments are still meta-data on XACT objects (themselves an unusual object).

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^^ Awarding a Token to a "... awarded a token." Message would be a weird case. But what about removing this Message completely? (or add the Option to hide them) It bloats the history of some Objects imensely and is not that usefull in my opinion.

Referencing this "short" discussion that I remember from Discourse

Copy paste to preserve


Feb 10
This is currently an intentional non-feature. See 5 (and 4 and 2) for discussion.

Is commenting “+1” actually valuable? That is, if we imagine two states of the world:

All comments as they are now, except “+1” and “me too” comments are likes / tokens / reactions / upvotes.
All comments as they are now, except “+1” and “me too” comments don’t exist.
…which state of the world is preferable? I’d personally think it may actually be (2).

Of course, even if we would prefer (2), that doesn’t mean (2) is a reachable state. If we’d prefer (2) over (1), but we’d prefer (1) over the status quo, and can get to (1) by adding a “Like” button but can’t implement any product change to get to (2), that might motivate adding a “Like” button.

I haven’t personally seen too much vacuous “me too” behavior in corporate contexts, but I’ve only interacted with them briefly for the last few years. I’ve seen a bit in open source contexts. Are you working in an open source-like context (e.g., “me too” comments are coming mostly from users) or a corporation-like context (e.g., “me too” comments are coming mostly from employees), or something else?


Feb 10
An additional thing to digest is : What are “+1”, “Likes”, “Tokens”, etc. used for?

Various different use cases, but never well defined…

I like this
I agree with this
I vote for this
I am acknowledging that I saw your comment, however, I have nothing further to add
Thanks a Mountain of Wealth amount
Thanks only a Pterodactyl amount

Just my thoughts for digestion

My use case, almost always falls into the “I am acknowledging that I saw your comment…” camp

So - currently, I either comment, or slack, or pretend I didn’t see the comment…

In T15048#1311, @Leon95 wrote:

^^ Awarding a Token to a "... awarded a token." Message would be a weird case. But what about removing this Message completely? (or add the Option to hide them) It bloats the history of some Objects imensely and is not that usefull in my opinion.

Agreed, I think tokens don't really need a transaction, especially tokens on a transaction shouldn't generate their own new transaction.

I did a bit of digging through the source code and it looks like tokens are implemented in an incredibly generic way, such that it wouldn't be at all difficult to add tokens to comments. I think the hardest part will be integrating it with the UI.

I may take a stab at this at some point in the near future, simply because it's a feature that I would love to use;.

Does anyone else feel that this is not a good idea? Seems like the consensus here is that it's at least acceptable if not desirable to have.

Does anyone else feel that this is not a good idea? Seems like the consensus here is that it's at least acceptable if not desirable to have.

IMHO if we are to do this it should be similar to "comment reactions" from github. Useful for e.g., +1 -1 but shouldn't generate visible transactions on the rest of the page.

In T15048#2234, @eax wrote:

IMHO if we are to do this it should be similar to "comment reactions" from github. Useful for e.g., +1 -1 but shouldn't generate visible transactions on the rest of the page.

Agreed, definitely shouldn't generate visible transactions.

Just asking for a friend: Is there some progress on this?

The only progress I've made is to think through the implementation but I haven't actually started coding on it. It is sort of high on my wish list so I may get to it soon.

So I got this mostly working locally, it's actually fairly trivial to reuse the existing token storage and infrastructure. Actually displaying the tokens might not be the most efficient of operations when there are a lot of comments on a given object. I still need to write an optimized query to fetch all of the token given in one query rather than many and then figure out how to display the tokens inline with the comments.

@20after4: Willing to share some code at some point that folks can poke or play with? :) TIA!