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Fix config transaction rendering error on auth page by allowing PhutilSafeHTML

Authored by doommius on Jan 12 2024, 11:34.

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 1014
Build 1014: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

aklapper retitled this revision from Fixed get title error when opening auth page, see T15706 to Fix config transaction rendering error on auth page by allowing PhutilSafeHTML.Jan 12 2024, 11:58
aklapper edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
aklapper edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 12 2024, 13:23

Thanks again for this change. Please try "landing" with these two commands:

arc patch D25512
arc land

@sirocyl Does this fix your issue? if yes, I can help in landing

@sirocyl Does this fix your issue? if yes, I can help in landing

Works a charm.