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valerio.bozzolanT15892: Post-Commit Audit review: authors cannot "Raise Concern"
valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Wishlist priority. 
Jul 24 2024, 09:27
valerio.bozzolanT15892: Post-Commit Audit review: authors cannot "Raise Concern"
valerio.bozzolan created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". 
Jul 24 2024, 09:27
valerio.bozzolanT15892: Post-Commit Audit review: authors cannot "Raise Concern"
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public. 
Jul 24 2024, 09:27
valerio.bozzolanT15892: Post-Commit Audit review: authors cannot "Raise Concern"
valerio.bozzolan moved this task to Backlog on the Diffusion board. 
Jul 24 2024, 09:27
valerio.bozzolanT15892: Post-Commit Audit review: authors cannot "Raise Concern"Jul 24 2024, 09:27
valerio.bozzolanT15892: Post-Commit Audit review: authors cannot "Raise Concern"
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Jul 24 2024, 09:27
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 24 2024, 09:02
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 24 2024, 09:02
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 24 2024, 09:02
20after4T15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
20after4 added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 21:15
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper added a subscriber: 20after4. 
Jul 23 2024, 20:25
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 20:25
valerio.bozzolanT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:53
valerio.bozzolanT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:51
valerio.bozzolanT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
valerio.bozzolan subscribed. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:51
HeraldT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
Herald added subscribers: Cigaryno, Matthew, chris, tobiaswiese. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperrPe41c25de5050: Support multiple fulltext search clusters with '' configJul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper created this object in space S1 Public. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper created this task. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper created this task. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper updated the task description. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper created this object with edit policy "Custom Policy". 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15891: Ineffective instanceof check in PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck:shouldUseMySQLSearchEngine()
aklapper subscribed. 
Jul 23 2024, 13:24
aklapperT15378: PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException trying to mute File notifications: "Attempting to apply a transaction which has not been constructed correctly"
aklapper added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 09:34
aklapperT15889: Apache 2.4.61 throws a 403 Forbidden for links containing %3F
aklapper added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 09:25
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:53
valerio.bozzolanT15882: When archiving a project, reset its default menu item to Profile
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:50
valerio.bozzolanT15882: When archiving a project, reset its default menu item to ProfileJul 23 2024, 08:50
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's ArchivedJul 23 2024, 08:50
valerio.bozzolanF2325001: Workboard of an Archived Project - Phorge June 2024.png
valerio.bozzolan changed the visibility from "valerio.bozzolan (Valerio Bozz.)" to "Public (No Login Required)". 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanF2325001: Workboard of an Archived Project - Phorge June 2024.png
valerio.bozzolan updated the name for this file from "image.png" to "Workboard of an Archived Project - Phorge June 2024.png". 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Normal priority. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan created this object with edit policy "Custom Policy". 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's ArchivedJul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "parent"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's ArchivedJul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan added projects: Projects, UX. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanT15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:43
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:37
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:37
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:37
valerio.bozzolanArcanist (archived)
valerio.bozzolan changed the default filter for the project workboard. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:37
valerio.bozzolan Macro (deprecated)
valerio.bozzolan removed a hashtag: #macro. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:36
valerio.bozzolan Macro (deprecated)
valerio.bozzolan set this project's color to Red. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:36
valerio.bozzolan Macro (deprecated)
valerio.bozzolan changed the default filter for the project workboard. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:35
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:35
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:35
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:35
valerio.bozzolan Macro (deprecated)
valerio.bozzolan set this project's color to Red. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:35
valerio.bozzolan Macro (deprecated)
valerio.bozzolan renamed this project from Macro to Macro (deprecated). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:35
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:34
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:34
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:34
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:33
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:33
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:33
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:32
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:32
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this object (transaction type "profilepanel.visibility"). 
Jul 23 2024, 08:32
valerio.bozzolanT15378: PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException trying to mute File notifications: "Attempting to apply a transaction which has not been constructed correctly"
valerio.bozzolan added a project: Bug Reports. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:27
valerio.bozzolanT15378: PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException trying to mute File notifications: "Attempting to apply a transaction which has not been constructed correctly"
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:27
valerio.bozzolanT15378: PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException trying to mute File notifications: "Attempting to apply a transaction which has not been constructed correctly"
valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Normal priority. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:27
valerio.bozzolanT15378: PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException trying to mute File notifications: "Attempting to apply a transaction which has not been constructed correctly"
valerio.bozzolan subscribed. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:27
valerio.bozzolanT15889: Apache 2.4.61 throws a 403 Forbidden for links containing %3F
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:25
valerio.bozzolanT15889: Apache 2.4.61 throws a 403 Forbidden for links containing %3F
valerio.bozzolan subscribed. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:23
valerio.bozzolanT15889: Apache 2.4.61 throws a 403 Forbidden for links containing %3F
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:23
valerio.bozzolanD25730: Avoid PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException on editors not supporting Mute Notifications
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:13
valerio.bozzolanD25730: Avoid PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException on editors not supporting Mute Notifications
valerio.bozzolan accepted this revision. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:13
valerio.bozzolanD25730: Avoid PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException on editors not supporting Mute Notifications
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 08:13
valerio.bozzolanD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
valerio.bozzolan requested changes to this revision. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:57
valerio.bozzolanD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
This revision now requires changes to proceed. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:57
valerio.bozzolanD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:57
valerio.bozzolanT15827: Possible to award a badge without selecting a recipient
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:36
valerio.bozzolanT15827: Possible to award a badge without selecting a recipient
valerio.bozzolan added a project: Bug Reports. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:36
valerio.bozzolanT15827: Possible to award a badge without selecting a recipient
valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Normal priority. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:36
valerio.bozzolanT15827: Possible to award a badge without selecting a recipient
valerio.bozzolan subscribed. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:36
valerio.bozzolanD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
valerio.bozzolan added inline comments. 
Jul 23 2024, 07:35
avivey pipasdell125
avivey disabled this user. 
Jul 23 2024, 06:40
avivey Brat5050
avivey approved this user. 
Jul 23 2024, 06:39
HarbormasterD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B1450: Diff 2263. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
aklapper edited the test plan for this revision. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
OwnersD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
Owners added a reviewer: O1: Blessed Committers. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
aklapper created this revision. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
aklapper updated this revision to Diff 2263. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipientJul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
aklapper edited the summary of this revision. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
HeraldD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipientJul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
aklapper retitled this revision from to Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperD25740: Disallow awarding a badge without selecting recipient
aklapper requested review of this revision. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperT15827: Possible to award a badge without selecting a recipientJul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperDiff 2263
aklapper created this diff. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:09
aklapperT15827: Possible to award a badge without selecting a recipient
aklapper added a comment. 
Jul 22 2024, 22:06
HarbormasterD25739: Configuration Guide: Set UnsafeAllow3F for Apache RewriteRule
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B1449: Diff 2262. 
Jul 22 2024, 21:11
aklapperD25739: Configuration Guide: Set UnsafeAllow3F for Apache RewriteRuleJul 22 2024, 21:11