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When archiving a project, reset its default menu item to Profile
Closed, WontfixPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Phorge at 59428f64ca2c3e2f8e0fc1e85b0c3b4a7ec95ee0
  2. Go to http://phorge.localhost/project/edit/form/default/ and create new project MyTestProject
  3. In the left sidebar, click Workboard
  4. Click the Create Workboard button, while Make Default is enabled by default
  5. Go to http://phorge.localhost/tag/MyTestProject
  6. As expected, Workboard is shown instead of Profile, by redirecting to http://phorge.localhost/project/board/1/
  7. In the left sidebar, click Manage and archive the project MyTestProject
  8. Go to http://phorge.localhost/tag/MyTestProject

Actual outcome:
Workboard is shown:

Screenshot from 2024-07-12 00-46-09.png (927×1 px, 74 KB)

Expected outcome:
IMO it makes more sense to set the project Profile page as the default menu item when archiving a project, as it offers a red Archived indicator (and the description may provide pointers what happened if someone updated it after archiving), instead of looking at an (inactive) Workboard (or Manage, or Reports (if Facts application is installed), or whatever was manually set as default):

Screenshot from 2024-07-12 00-48-18.png (927×1 px, 104 KB)

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Wishlist priority.EditedJul 12 2024, 06:51
valerio.bozzolan subscribed.

Premising that the root problem is that it's difficult to understand if a project is archived just looking at other parts.

So maybe we should (also? if not only) ideally put "Archived" in more parts.

Premising that I like the implementation but I think it's not the desired solution.

It can be counter-intuitive to change the default view, just because in a specific view the fact that it's "Archived" is more prominent than others.

For example, some people then may ask "why my default view was changed?" and they will start manually "rollbacking" this to their desired view (e.g. showing closed tasks, from the Workboard, with a filter "Show all tasks").

So I may understand if we may want to decline this, and rename this to:

It is difficult to tell if a Workboard is archived or not

Or something like this

For example, some people then may ask "why my default view was changed?" and they will start manually "rollbacking" this to their desired view (e.g. showing closed tasks, from the Workboard, with a filter "Show all tasks").

That problem already exists anyway whenever someone changes the workboard view in the upper right corner and clicks "Save as Default" after, so I'm afraid I cannot follow the argumentation.

What's the use case ending up on an all empty workboard (assuming the default open tasks view and assuming folks cleaned up when archiving so no open tasks are left) of an archived project? Who does that help, compared to ending up on the Project Details page which at least gives you a hint why it's abandoned and empty?

I mean. See this archived Project (archived Milestone), that is linked from our changelogs:

When users archive projects or milestones, they don't necessarily want to change the default view to hide their Workboard.

That's why I'm saying that the root problem is probably just that the Workboard does not clearly says if it's archived or not.

We might come from different user journeys.
Your users might be aware what the project means, and that the project (and its workboard) is archived, and they do have an initial reason to look at this archived workboard (e.g. default view is not "open tasks" but "all tasks")?
My users clicked an external link to some project tag in something called Phorge, and that project has been archived in the meantime, and that project is set to show the workboard by default, and that is now just empty columns (as the default view of workboards is "open tasks"), and that is confusing and unhelpful.

OK. If you are partially mentioning nonsenses in itself, you are indeed right.

Helping in cleanup:

So, premising that the mentioned feature unfortunately will not help us in cleaning the above thing,

But I understand that it would be an interesting default for our situation (if we only had a time machine to apply this idea before),

I still thing that our situation was not a normal situation, and the "Archive" feature was not designed to fix our specific situation, and it's not designed to change the default view.

I still think this new default may be an in-tuitive thing: some might believe it is a bug, and would try to troubleshoot it and disable it.

Moreover, even with this new default, people may still arrive on these "confusing Workboards" by visiting links like this one, that are fixed on the Workboard:

So, we should really manage the UX root problem first, about the Workboard page:

T15890: Workboard: better clarify if it's Archived

aklapper claimed this task.

Abandoning in favor of T15890 and D25774 per previous discussion