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Allow filtering tokens given by type of token

Authored by taavi on Feb 5 2025, 16:24.
Referenced Files
F3005710: D25865.1740539002.diff
Tue, Feb 25, 03:03
F3004939: D25865.1740504760.diff
Mon, Feb 24, 17:32
F3000995: D25865.1740438581.diff
Sun, Feb 23, 23:09
F2993039: D25865.1740267928.diff
Fri, Feb 21, 23:45
F2992686: D25865.1740241915.diff
Fri, Feb 21, 16:31
F2986585: D25865.1740100658.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 01:17
F2986206: D25865.1740097524.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 00:25
F2985496: D25865.1740058358.diff
Wed, Feb 19, 13:32



Adds a new filter to the page /token/given/ to specify the type of token awarded.

Closes T15988

Test Plan

Visited /token/ to see it works as before.

Specified a token type in the search menu, and checked that the results only include that token type.

Activate DarkConsole and inspect the Services tab to check the query with "burminate" has sense, and you see this:

SELECT * FROM `token_given`   WHERE (tokenPHID IN ('PHID-TOKN-misc-4'))   ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 101

Removed the token type in the search menu, the results still include everything, like before.

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 1684
Build 1684: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

taavi requested review of this revision.Feb 5 2025, 16:24

Maybe we need to rebase on top of 7955fe6df701 (I don't have the base af404703cbe9 locally)

Maybe we need to rebase on top of 7955fe6df701 (I don't have the base af404703cbe9 locally)

I am still a bit confused on how to arc properly but I think this is rebased now? (At least it's rebased on top of what arc patch D25863 gives me locally.)

valerio.bozzolan edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

(Don't worry, I'm also super confused by arc now. lol - it still does not apply cleanly to me, so I've downloaded the patch...)

Works on my computer! Thanks! And seems very Phorgi. Please kindly wait a cute week to attract eyeballs.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 5 2025, 17:36
taavi retitled this revision from Allow filtering tokens given by list of token to Allow filtering tokens given by type of token.Feb 6 2025, 04:47