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Conpherence: add a dedicated "Send" button (not just the Enter key)
Open, LowPublic


It seems that probably more than one billion Android devices are not able to press shift+Enter, and they can just Enter, so - for them - it's really impossible to type a newline without sending the message.

To improve the current situation we could introduce a dedicated "Send message" button in the Conpherence room, and then unregister the internal "on-Enter → submit" keydown event listener.

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Low priority.
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public.

It's also misleading that the text box is multiline (at least in desktop) which suggests that line breaks are expected, but pressing Enter instead sends the message. I was caught off-guard by this at least once. So perhaps the text entry box should be made single-line by default (as already happens if the screen is narrow enough) and expand as needed if line breaks are added.

(I suppose this should be reported as a separate issue, but I felt it was sufficiently related to this one to warrant a comment.)

It's also misleading that the text box is multiline (at least in desktop) which suggests that line breaks are expected, but pressing Enter instead sends the message.

I have submitted D25485 to address this :) but if a dedicated send button is added, perhaps the multi-line input box could be restored, if the default behavior is changed to not send on Enter and only send when pressing the button. Ideally with a simple checkbox right in the formatting bar to toggle this behavior.