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- User Since
- Jul 24 2024, 05:16 (32 w, 1 d)
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Tue, Feb 25
Sun, Feb 23
Yeah, that would work too.
Yes, I mean the way it works in Meta's Phabricator: it runs the equivalent of git revert + git push behind the scenes.
Thu, Feb 13
Nov 28 2024
Oct 28 2024
Sep 16 2024
What's the status of this one? Just curious if we should fork and hack around it ourselves for now or if it's coming soon.
Aug 19 2024
How could existing installation be potentially affected by an added option? (The name should be different, of course, if it includes all users from all projects, for example, "Members of linked projects" vs "Project members".)
Both proposals would solve the problem. Proposal A is more general, so it would cover more ground but also require more manual configuration.
@aklapper it would totally work if every linked project's users would get access.
Aug 9 2024
- updated screenshot access to All Users
- thanks, that task would solve the problem!
- alternatively, "Project Members" option could be made available as an object policy for tasks
@valerio.bozzolan also, triggers don't offer an option to change task space or task access.
Aug 8 2024
I see. So, is that functionality already a part of arc diff? In other words, if arc work T123 would have worked exactly the same way as arc work branch-name (by creating a branch that's called either T123 or branch-name), then arc diff would correctly link it?
Aug 7 2024
Oh wow, that is a really unexpected way to create tags.
We have a public project tag used by a team. Some tasks associated with that public project tag are public tasks visible to everyone and anyone, so they are not in an access-restricted Space but default S1. Some tasks associated with that public project tag are temporarily non-public, "secret" tasks that should only be visible to that team and nobody else, so they are in an access-restricted Space that can only be accessed by team members.
I was confused about why I couldn't tag a task with any random tag that I wanted to create on the fly as I'd do in Meta's Phabricator. It took me some time to realize that tags mean projects.
To clarify: currently existing auto-tagging is not about the column from which the task is created. It's about tagging with the project to which the column belongs.
But also, why is it impossible? When a task is created from a column, it automatically pre-populates the tag column with the project it is created from. It seems trivial to implement a patch that would auto-detect the project's space and set it accordingly for the task.
Then, if every project could choose its own Task Create/Edit Form Configuration, it would solve the issue. Maybe form configurations could be tagged with projects, and when no tag = show for all projects?
I'd assume that it also links the task and the diff together and optionally allows to close the task automatically on diff land?
Aug 6 2024
Thanks, that's useful to know!