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Is there a way to create a task in Maniphest via a webhook?
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Asked by arp on Oct 28 2024, 23:27.


I want to be able to create Phorge tasks whenever a PagerDuty alert is triggered. PD allows us to do that with Webhooks. Is there an API in Phorge that could be used to create tasks with an external Webhook?


Updated 83 Days Ago

Not a simple web-hook, but there are some options that might not require any code on the PD side:

1. Using email to create the ticket:
Under "Applications", click Configure next to Maniphest. There's a section titled "Application Emails", that's designed to create tickets out of inbound emails.
Unfortunately, I don't see any good documentation about it.

2. POST call to Conduit
The Conduit api can be invoked as a POST call using Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded (basic form post), with each parameter its own field. See cURL at the buttom of
If PD supports this form of "webhook", then you should be good.
I think this can also work with query params, but modern methods all require complex json objects as inputs.

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