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Auto-set user task access depending on the project visibility
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Asked by arp on Aug 6 2024, 07:36.


When I create a new task from a project workboard, how can I automatically set task access rights to the people who can see the project?

For example, I have a project that's only visible to certain people.
Then I want any newly created task to also be visible to these people by default.
Otherwise, the task appears for everyone to see, attached to "Restricted Project".
This is a significant privacy risk.

I'd be down to work on implementing this as long as someone gives me advice and can review my code.


Updated 218 Days Ago

That's not what Tags ("Projects") are meant to do - see for full text.

Projects do not imply access control, because a task can be in many projects at once, and the math would be confusing.

What you can do, is create a Custom Form which will have the Policy locked to something appropriate - this is what we do with "Create Security Tasks" here.

See also for "Spaces" - a stronger policy segregation between users.

(Related - T15277)

Updated 218 Days Ago

Proposal A: Expanding Projects to Limit Custom Forms

Since it seems the "Phorge way" to do it, at the moment, is using a custom form called "Set My Beloved Space" with your default space; let's pretend that you are proceeding with the creation of one custom form for each project (for which you want this quick create action) for a moment. So you have 3 projects with 3 spaces and 3 custom forms...

Let's also for a moment ignore the disadvantage of doing this manually and let's pretend that it's also relaxing.

The only remaining disadvantage is: this solution will clog the columns, since the more forms you create, the more "Create new Task" buttons you see on columns. Do you follow me? and you don't want that.

But what about having this option, on projects?

Assign these Custom Forms to this Project:

So, if in a project you specified a list of ad-hoc custom forms (or just one form), the columns are quite intuitive and slim with only your desired creation form(s) and nothing un-relevant. So you reach the situation of 3 projects, each one with 1 single form with their space.

What do you think about? Would you use this?

(If you like it, maybe we can rephrase a bit T15908 to be really this)

Proposal B: Expanding Custom Forms to be aware about their "Origin Column"

Imagine to have just 1 single custom form called "My Good Default Space" with this additional option:

  • inherit the space from the creation column

Would you use it? Do you see it?

What would you like more, ideally?

Note that both these solutions do not necessarily exclude each other. They cover different aspects but are compatible with each other. In my opinion the "A" proposal may be more appreciated also by Wikimedia folks, while "B" seems more an hack to me but you may evaluate this for your own Phorge I think.

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