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Calendar Import: calendar uploader is not anymore an alien
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by valerio.bozzolan on Jul 28 2023, 15:52.
Referenced Files
F3296101: D25363.1742968544.diff
Tue, Mar 25, 05:55
F3294852: D25363.1742945504.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 23:31
F3294641: D25363.1742940580.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 22:09
F3294552: D25363.1742938224.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 21:30
F3294393: D25363.1742934372.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 20:26
F3294327: D25363.1742933261.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 20:07
F3294254: D25363.1742931198.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 19:33
F3292780: D25363.1742900299.diff
Mon, Mar 24, 10:58



If one of *your* verified email addresses is invited in *your* ICS Calendar,
you are now imported as yourself, instead of being a "Private User".

For example, if you own a Google Calendar, and if you import that in
Phorge, and if your email is mentioned in the Invitees:

  • you are not shown anymore as "Private User 1" but as yourself
  • the "Busy" or "Available" badge is shown from your Profile (instead of nothing), respecting the "Time Transparency" RFC 5545 section from your ICS event
  • the widget "Profile Calendar" in your user page shows your imported Event, instead of nothing. No "Clear Sailing ahead" anymore. As usual - this happens only if the event happens today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

Example situation:

User "test" imports a Calendar. An Event has two invited emails:

  • 1 email is verified and belongs to the very same user "test"
  • 1 email belongs to another user
Before.png (543×948 px, 86 KB)
After.png (543×948 px, 87 KB)

See that the calendar importer named "test" is not an alien anymore.

Allowing to match yourself makes sense because you trust your imported
Calendar file, and we trust your verified email addresses.

Matching other users must involve serious privacy measures,
coherent with the rest of Phorge.

Closes T15564
Closes T15941

Test Plan

Download this example ICS file:

Replace the email with one of your verified email of your Phorge account.

Import the event in Phorge using CalendarImportsImport EventsImport .ics File


Two imported events are created successfully:

  • In the event "Very busy opaque" (25 December 2024):
    • you are finally shown as "Busy"
    • there is also another "Private user"
  • In the other event "Very available transparent" (25 December 2024)
    • you are finall shown as "Available"
    • there is also another "Private user"

Then nuke these example events by visiting the import and "Delete Imported Events".

Try again from scratch in these alternatives:

  • if you import the ICS file as-is:
    • you get two "Private User" in all events (since none of the invitees matches one of your verified emails)
  • if you import the ICS file, setting one of your un-verified emails:
    • you get two "Private User" in all events (since none of the invitees matches one of your verified emails)
  • if you import the ICS file, setting a verified email of *another* user:
    • you get two "Private User" in all events (since none of the invitees matches one of your verified emails)

As additional test, from the file you can also manually set these events to today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow; so you can test the user profile's calendar widget, and see that finally it does not show "Clear sailing" anymore, but it shows your calendar invitations (if the ICS file contains one of your verified email - as already said):

Calendar widget finally showing something.png (507×300 px, 20 KB)

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 1622
Build 1622: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline


✅ This is consistent with the error "Can Not Edit Imported Event".


✅ This is consistent with the error "Can Not Edit Imported Event".


✅ This is consistent with the error "Can Not Edit Imported Event".


This was a map of names.


The $name variable was re-used too much. So, renamed when:

$attendee_mail = new PhutilEmailAddress($name);

This contains external attendees by name. So, added _name in the name to avoid confusion.


This part was kept, but moved in a dedicated loop above. So, we first loop external attendees, then real users.

Then, this loop handles all of them.


✅ If this is your event, and you are self-invited, of course you are attending (you are not just a random invited).

Note that the manual Event creation form relies on the same assumption.

Could this be abused, e.g. create an event with a thousand emails then import it and see if those emails are registered? If so how does that compare to existing means of discovering registered users?

In D25363#10531, @speck wrote:

Could this be abused, e.g. create an event with a thousand emails then import it and see if those emails are registered? If so how does that compare to existing means of discovering registered users?

Thanks speck, absolutely not! :)

If Valerio imports a Calendar, only Valerio is eventually recognized. The others are still "Private user"

I've added a couple of screenshots

(to notice the difference you must see them quickly with your arrow keys ← → ihih)

avivey added inline comments.

Use PhabricatorPeopleUserEmailQuery, possibly augmenting it with withIsVerified and/or withUserPhid


Don't rely on $foo[$x][$y] = ... to create array in [$x] - create that expliclitly, see line 237 above.

the idx in line 378 can be replaced with direct access then.


make the parameter clearer:

valerio.bozzolan marked 3 inline comments as done.

Apply review tips


I've adopted PhabricatorPeopleUserEmailQuery as suggested.

But note that I've used the omnipotent user there. Edited:

Since we are already limiting to the author of that import, and it's not useful to check that permission again.

Also because setViewer($viewer) was causing this:

EXCEPTION: (PhabricatorDataNotAttachedException) Attempting to access attached data on PhabricatorUserEmail (via getUser()), but the data is not actually attached. Before accessing attachable data on an object, you must load and attach it.\n\nData is normally attached by calling the corresponding needX() method on the Query class when the object is loaded. You can also call the corresponding attachX() method explicitly. at [<phorge>/src/infrastructure/storage/lisk/PhabricatorLiskDAO.php:275]
arcanist(head=master, ref.master=98d16d27cf3e), phorge(head=arcpatch-D25363_2, ref.master=aa8af1d79e8b, ref.arcpatch-D25363_2=544e5ed24a07)
   #0 <#2> PhabricatorLiskDAO::assertAttached(string) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/people/storage/PhabricatorUserEmail.php:65]
   #1 <#2> PhabricatorUserEmail::getUser() called at [<phorge>/src/applications/people/storage/PhabricatorUserEmail.php:325]
   #2 <#2> PhabricatorUserEmail::getPolicy(string) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/policy/filter/PhabricatorPolicyFilter.php:884]
   #3 <#2> PhabricatorPolicyFilter::getObjectPolicy(PhabricatorUserEmail, string) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/policy/filter/PhabricatorPolicyFilter.php:201]
   #4 <#2> PhabricatorPolicyFilter::apply(array) called at [<phorge>/src/infrastructure/query/policy/PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery.php:273]
   #5 <#2> PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery::execute() called at [<phorge>/src/applications/calendar/import/PhabricatorCalendarImportEngine.php:217]
   #6 <#2> PhabricatorCalendarImportEngine::importEventDocument(PhabricatorUser, PhabricatorCalendarImport, PhutilCalendarRootNode) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/calendar/import/PhabricatorCalendarICSImportEngine.php:42]
   #7 <#2> PhabricatorCalendarICSImportEngine::importICSData(PhabricatorUser, PhabricatorCalendarImport, string) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/calendar/import/PhabricatorCalendarICSFileImportEngine.php:91]
   #8 <#2> PhabricatorCalendarICSFileImportEngine::importEventsFromSource(PhabricatorUser, PhabricatorCalendarImport, boolean) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/calendar/editor/PhabricatorCalendarImportEditor.php:57]
   #9 <#2> PhabricatorCalendarImportEditor::applyFinalEffects(PhabricatorCalendarImport, array) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/transactions/editor/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor.php:1412]
   #10 <#2> PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor::applyTransactions(PhabricatorCalendarImport, array) called at [<phorge>/src/applications/calendar/controller/PhabricatorCalendarImportReloadController.php:37]
   #11 <#2> PhabricatorCalendarImportReloadController::handleRequest(AphrontRequest) called at [<phorge>/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php:284]
   #12 phlog(PhabricatorDataNotAttachedException) called at [<phorge>/src/aphront/handler/PhabricatorDefaultRequestExceptionHandler.php:41]
   #13 PhabricatorDefaultRequestExceptionHandler::handleRequestThrowable(AphrontRequest, PhabricatorDataNotAttachedException) called at [<phorge>/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php:751]
   #14 AphrontApplicationConfiguration::handleThrowable(PhabricatorDataNotAttachedException) called at [<phorge>/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php:296]
   #15 AphrontApplicationConfiguration::processRequest(AphrontRequest, PhutilDeferredLog, AphrontPHPHTTPSink, MultimeterControl) called at [<phorge>/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php:204]
   #16 AphrontApplicationConfiguration::runHTTPRequest(AphrontPHPHTTPSink) called at [<phorge>/webroot/index.php:35]

See PhabricatorCalendarImportEngine line 215

Tested again with git rebase master. Ready.

git rebase master again :) ready.

I admit I am quite interested in the changes in src/applications/people/query/PhabricatorPeopleUserEmailQuery.php adding $userPhids and $isVerified as I have a downstream use case for them.
Would be lovely to get them in, nevertheless where the actual calendar feature request is going.

Could you clarify if this is only supposed to work for import an .ics URI and not for importing a single event via an .ics file? Maybe I'm overcomplicating things, what I tried:

  • Go to http://phorge.localhost/people/new/standard/ and create four users:
    • Meeting organizer user d25363_00 with email address
    • User d25363_01 with email address
    • User d25363_02 with email address to use a secondary address
    • User d25363_03 with email address to keep unverified
  • In MariaDB, run USE phabricator_user; UPDATE phabricator_user.user u SET isEmailVerified = "1" WHERE (u.realName = "d25363_00" OR u.userName = "d25363_01" OR u.userName = "d25363_02");
  • Log in as user d25363_02 (via ./bin/auth recover d25363_02) and add secondary email address on http://phorge.localhost/settings/panel/email/
  • Set up .ics testcase at P42 which has as meeting organizer and invites the five addresses,,,, (the latter non-existing in Phab)
  • As user d25363_00, import that testcase: Go to http://phorge.localhost/calendar/import/ and select "Import Events", "Import .ics File", select the test case, set "Visible To" to "Public", click "Create New Import", end up on http://phorge.localhost/calendar/import/9/ linking to resulting http://phorge.localhost/E12
    • Resulting E12 shows "Private User 1" to "Private User 5" with no user matching
    • As user d25363_02, go to http://phorge.localhost/E12 - says "You do not have permission to view this object. Users with the "Can View" capability: d25363_00 (d25363_00) can take this action."
  • As user d25363_02, go to http://phorge.localhost/calendar/import/ and select "Import Events", "Import .ics File", select the test case, set "Visible To" to "Public", click "Create New Import", go to resulting http://phorge.localhost/E13
    • Resulting E13 still shows "Private User 1" to "Private User 5" with no user matching - I don't think that is expected but I'm not sure we want to care as that is no regression?
valerio.bozzolan retitled this revision from Match yourself from Imported Events Invitees to Calendar Import: calendar uploader is not anymore an alien.Aug 8 2024, 12:00

The attendee_map was a map of userPHID so it's renamed to attendee_user_map.

In this way we can introduce attendee_name_map (map of string names) with less confusion.

valerio.bozzolan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

helping reviewers, adding comment on future export possibility

Uh I'm very happy about this at work! Running since months smoothly. I can close Google Calendar forever 🎉

  • Resulting E13 still shows "Private User 1" to "Private User 5" with no user matching - I don't think that is expected but I'm not sure we want to care as that is no regression?

Note to myself: My steps above were wrong: To mark the email addresses of those attendees having a Phorge account as verified, I had to USE phabricator_user; UPDATE phabricator_user.user_email ue SET ue.isVerified = 1 WHERE (ue.address LIKE "d25363_0%");

Testing again by importing P42, I still fail to see myself listed as attendee when importing. I remain a "Private User" which isn't what I'd expect?
The line $attendees = $node->getAttendees(); works (because inserting sizeof($attendees) outputs 5 as expected), but afterwards in the for loop, $name = $attendee->getName() always returns null here.
So Skip creation of dummy "Private User" if it's me, the uploader. is never reached.
I actually wonder if $name = $attendee->getName() ever worked (that code already existed before, not introduced by this patch).