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Change erroneous loose comparison to strict comparison in tab panels

Authored by Dylsss on Feb 20 2023, 23:40.
Referenced Files
F3307192: D25067.1743140288.diff
Thu, Mar 27, 05:38
F3301233: D25067.1743051874.diff
Wed, Mar 26, 05:04
F3300233: D25067.1743036281.diff
Wed, Mar 26, 00:44
F3298795: D25067.1743009450.diff
Tue, Mar 25, 17:17
F3284935: D25067.1742789812.diff
Sun, Mar 23, 04:16
F3282185: D25067.1742709000.diff
Sat, Mar 22, 05:50
F3278224: D25067.1742618160.diff
Fri, Mar 21, 04:36
F3252753: D25067.1742409062.diff
Tue, Mar 18, 18:31



Fix a loose comparison causing a bug when comparing the selected tab (0) with a tab which has an alphanumeric ID which doesn't begin with an integer.

E.g., (0 == 'kq3p37awi2n5') is true in PHP 7.4 and below, this can sometimes cause multiple tabs to be displayed when a tab panel is first loaded onto a page:

Tab bug loaded multiple times.jpg (1×1 px, 102 KB)

Test Plan

Create a tab panel with at least 3 tabs, add a couple more and ensure that multiple tabs aren't loaded.

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

Dylsss requested review of this revision.Feb 20 2023, 23:40
Dylsss retitled this revision from Change erroneous loose comparison to strict comparison to Change erroneous loose comparison to strict comparison in tab panels.

Thanks. Seems good to me. I have not a strong opinion about this, but above I see:

$tab_view->setSelected( (string)$idx === (string)$selected )

Then I wonder whenever we should do the same string-cast also here.

Having said that (string)$idx === (string)$selected seems legit to me, I'm not sure I can reproduce this issue before this patch.

I'm not sure I can reproduce this issue before this patch.



It doesn't really matter, the logic is correct either-way.

Just trying to be useful and having this approved by someone, I proposed a small refactor to introduce a clear $is_selected status, once. So that we fix the fact that the logical business logic was re-implemented twice with different facets - since that was really the problem and we should fix this.

This also increases readability a bit.

What do you think about?

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 9 2023, 18:02

Hi @Dylsss, feel free to land :) A reviewer approved this patch!

If the original author will not land this in 8 days, I will land that, hoping to be useful.

But, I will probably amend that small thing I proposed as inline comment, also hoping to be useful.

Any feedback in inline is welcome of course

add dedicated variable $is_selected

If the original author will not land this in 8 days, I will land that, hoping to be useful.

But, I will probably amend that small thing I proposed as inline comment, also hoping to be useful.

Any feedback in inline is welcome of course

As per this message ↑ I'm landing :) Thanks again for this fix