Let's put another red warning in T15190: PHP 8.1: strlen() and other scalar-only functions do not accept NULL anymore - understand fix strategies
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Apr 14 2023
Apr 14 2023
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description for T15253: Commit hook is sometime broken: InvalidArgumentException.
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T15253: Commit hook is sometime broken: InvalidArgumentException.
valerio.bozzolan triaged T15253: Commit hook is sometime broken: InvalidArgumentException as Unbreak Now! priority.
Apr 12 2023
Apr 12 2023
Cigaryno added a project to T15244: Arcanist is broken on Subversion when moving a file: Bug Reports.
Apr 8 2023
Apr 8 2023
Apr 7 2023
Apr 7 2023
This issue only happened to me while editing an archived project.
Apr 6 2023
Apr 6 2023
Oh, I see. Yeah it's frustrating. It seems the current situation is "Archived Projects should not enforce a red color".
avivey updated the task description for T15236: Editing an Archived Project changes its color to Red.
Interestingly, I think this is a feature that automatically marks Archived projects as red ones.
I've updated the description.
This isn't about colors; there's a drop-down in Project called "color", and editing sometimes changes the value of that field.
avivey updated the task description for T15236: Editing an Archived Project changes its color to Red.
This is interesting but note that calculating a suitable background/text contrast is a weird complex separate science and I'm not sure about how to implement this for any generic color
valerio.bozzolan edited projects for T15110: File reference not removed when file is deleted, added: Files; removed Files (archived).
valerio.bozzolan edited projects for T15125: Unknown edge constant "26"! when deleting a file with old attachment edges, added: Files; removed Files (archived).
avivey edited projects for T15118: User icon may overlap in the user menu if no real name is set, added: People; removed People (archived).
avivey edited projects for T15135: Unable to set 'Can Browse User Directory' to public, added: People; removed People (archived).
avivey edited projects for T15135: Unable to set 'Can Browse User Directory' to public, added: Policy; removed Policy (archived).
Cigaryno added a project to T15118: User icon may overlap in the user menu if no real name is set: Bug Reports.
Cigaryno added a project to T15135: Unable to set 'Can Browse User Directory' to public: Bug Reports.
avivey renamed T15146: Dashboards: Tab panel sometimes displays the content of two tabs from Tab panel sometimes displays the content of two tabs to Dashboards: Tab panel sometimes displays the content of two tabs.
avivey edited projects for T15229: Customize query for Projects in Dashboard returns 404, added: Bug Reports; removed Dashboards (archived).
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