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Unable to set 'Can Browse User Directory' to public
Closed, InvalidPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  • Set your Config policy.allow-public to true
  • Go to HomeMore Applications and then Configure in People, Edit Policies and set Can Browse User Directory to public.

What happens?:
You see this error:

Can't set the policy to a policy you can't view!

What should happen instead?:
The policy is set to public without an error. This error usually does not appear when you set policies to public.

Event Timeline

Cigaryno triaged this task as Normal priority.
Cigaryno created this object in space S1 Public.
valerio.bozzolan subscribed.

Hi @Cigaryno thanks for this bug report. Please attach more details than feel free to reopen

The thing is that it seems this bug cannot be reproduced to me. For example in my Phorge I was able to set Can Browse User Directory to public, successfully:

Phorge People browse Public.png (675×921 px, 66 KB)

Again thank you for this report and feel free to reopen just attaching more details if possible. Thanks again

I wonder if this is related to not being able to use the Diffusion repository file auto-complete when not logged in even though the repo is publicly accessible.