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Evaluate a global Herald Maniphest action: "Block Task creation with message" (to allow custom Task constraints)
Open, LowPublic


Example reasonable scenarios that could be possible with this feature:

  • require to assign the Task to one user (requested by an user)
  • require to do not write in the description "PRIVATE KEY" to prevent big mistakes
  • ...

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Low priority.
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public.
valerio.bozzolan renamed this task from Evaluate an Herald action "Block Task creation with message" (to allow custom Task constraints) to Evaluate a global Herald Maniphest action: "Block Task creation with message" (to allow custom Task constraints).Mar 21 2023, 07:04
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)

It's unclear to me whenever Wikimedia needs this. If yes, feel free to also mark as Affects-Wikimedia. This is probably their use case:

I don't believe in playing whack-a-mole on "could this be a password" but a use case I've been recently thinking of is "Do not allow task creation when task content/data is exactly the defaults provided by the Form used to create the task". Basically: You were supposed to fill in some stuff but you did not when creating your task.

on the technical level, Herald can't block object creation - it runs after the fact, by the Daemons.

On a more meta level, Maniphest isn't well-suited to be an entry-form to be filled by a non-expert user; Nuance is/was intended for this use-case.