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Fix setup check for gzip request mangling being sent as GET

Authored by kat on Apr 1 2024, 17:53.
Referenced Files
F3005994: D25566.1740551754.diff
Tue, Feb 25, 06:35
F3001476: D25566.1740442165.diff
Mon, Feb 24, 00:09
F3001475: D25566.1740442164.diff
Mon, Feb 24, 00:09
F2987212: D25566.1740110765.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 04:06
F2983736: D25566.1739999194.diff
Tue, Feb 18, 21:06
F2982260: D25566.1739948776.diff
Tue, Feb 18, 07:06
F2976188: D25566.1739586588.diff
Fri, Feb 14, 02:29
F2976187: D25566.1739586578.diff
Fri, Feb 14, 02:29
"Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by 20after4.



Certain web servers (or cache layers such as Varnish) strip the body
of GET requests, resulting in the setup check failing when it would
otherwise function normally if a request is sent as POST.

Test Plan

Phorge will no-longer mark the test as failing due to the body of a GET request being dropped.
As per RFC7231, certain implementations of HTTP/1.1 may reject the request or drop the payload
due to a previous revision of the spec where the body was supposed to be ignored (RFC2616, section 4.3)

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

kat requested review of this revision.Apr 1 2024, 17:53
20after4 subscribed.

Discussed on IRC: it seems that this should have been POST all along.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 1 2024, 18:11
speck subscribed.

Ah yep, GET with body will get flagged in a number of cases.

@kat: I've added you to the Trusted Contributors project, so you can now land this change!