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Phantom notification
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Screenshot Capture - 2025-03-20 - 08-37-59.png (701×3 px, 179 KB)

Seen at
(Haven't tried to clear it yet, in case there's some other check I should do first.)

My notification preferences:

phabricator.wikimedia.org_settings_user_Tgr_page_emailpreferences_.png (5×3 px, 1 MB)

I usually only get this kind of notification when a token is added to a task I follow, for other events I get a task or nothing.

Event Timeline

I don't understand the problem described...

It happened to me but only in Wikimedia Phabricator, there I had a notification counter in the top-bar, but with no unread messages in the related list

The current workaround is to wait for a real notification, to then finally be able to click the Mark All Read.

So I guess a minor mitigation would be: allow to click the Mark All Read if the counter is non-zero.

The mark all read link in the notifications dropdown panel is always available. (It did clear the phantom notification.)

Uh interesting - good to know for the future. So at least the button Mark All Read here in F3271029 should be enabled for your case - as very minimal mitigation sub-task