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Notifications: Mark All Read is disabled for some ghosts unread notifications
Open, LowPublic


Look at this case:


Screenshot Capture - 2025-03-20 - 08-37-59.png (701×3 px, 179 KB)

As you can see, there is at least 1 unread notification, but the button Mark All Read on the right is not enabled.

That button Mark All Read should at least be enabled to cleanup the notifications, as minimal mitigation of the original problem that was about ghost notifications, and that button would help in clearing up things.

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Low priority.
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public.

I think this makes sense - Mark All Read is about marking all search results read. (I assume; I never used it. But that's what the UI implies, it being grouped with e.g. Use Results which is definitely about doing things with the search results.) So no search results -> nothing to mark as read. The bug is in not getting any results.

In terms of mitigation, I think it's hard to miss the "Mark All Read" option in the popup that opens when clicking the bell icon, and that does mark everything (at least in the case of T16016, it did work for the hidden notification that wasn't found by search). At least for me, the way I get to notifications search in the first place is via that popup panel, so the mark all read option there is hard to miss.