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Celerity unit test not triggered: mitigate thanks to Herald
Open, LowPublic


See the parent task to know the root problem.

As workaround, we can use herald to add a kind reminder if a "js" or "css" file is touched in a patch.

Proposed solution:

  1. Create Herald Rule: Differential Revisions This Global rule triggers for Differential Revisions.
Thanks for this patch! Kind reminder: if you touched CSS or JavaScript, please remember to also run this:

./bin/celerity map

โš™๏ธ Thanks! Bip bop I'm a bot - helping for T15209

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as High priority.
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public.

@avivey what do you think about? Maybe we can test with some powerful clicks

@valerio.bozzolan go ahead and give it a try? I think you have access to create rules.

Tried. I Shall Not Pass :O

You Shall Not Pass: Herald
You do not have permission to manage global Herald rules.
Users with the "Can Manage Global Rules" capability:

Administrators can take this action.
valerio.bozzolan lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.

Uh! That's magic. Thanks avivey. Created here: H29 Phorge: add comment to remember "celerity map" - T15209

Let's keep this open with lower priority, waiting for the first trigger.