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Improve Diffusion identity reassignment propagation
Open, LowPublic



  • Add some commits authored with an identity A that will get assigned to user X and some authored with an identity B that will not get assigned to anyone.
  • Explicitly unassign identity A from user X.
  • Explicitly assign identity B to user X.
  • Go to user X's commit list from the user X's profile page or craft a query for Diffusion commits, specifying X as author.

Commits A are not returned, commits B are returned — reflecting current state of identity-user mappings.

Commits A are returned, commits B are not returned — reflecting the state of affairs at the time of indexing the commits.

Screenshots (from comment):

Here, I assigned one of your identities to myself:

image.png (362×370 px, 18 KB)

Now when you go to the list of your commits, there is some entry from "me", but there shouldn't.
image.png (383×503 px, 27 KB)

And when you look at my commits, there are none — but there should, as this commit is now mine, as far as Diffusion is concerned.
image.png (376×475 px, 15 KB)

image.png (234×757 px, 17 KB)

This Task was elevated from question Q59

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Low priority.
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public.

I'm not able to provide a smart title for this Task :D Thanks for any help in this

smith renamed this task from Show the Assigned Identity from Diffusion Commits pages to Improve Diffusion identity reassignment propagation.Jul 18 2023, 12:53

Thanks! Now the second step is, finding at least one file that is related to the generation of the above feeds / texts