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Remarkup: allow to mention a Slowvote (without embedding)
Open, WishlistPublic


Base usage

Note the difference between a base mention in Task, File and Slowvote:


It seems basic mentions are not enabled for a Slowvote.

This may have practical reasons since "V123" is a frequent text.

Anyway Slowvote does not work so I do not understand how to mention it.

Base Embed

Note the difference between a base embed in Task, File and Slowvote:

{T15204}T15204: Test Task - Best Task Ever
favicon/default-76x76.png (76×76 px, 4 KB)

Basically Slowvotes spawns a giant widget. So, I still do not understand how to suppress that widget to only mention a Slowvote.

Embed with Layout link

It seems the embed supports a layout option called "link".

Note the difference between a base mention in Task, File and Slowvote:

{T15204,layout=link}T15204: Test Task - Best Task Ever

The link layout seems just not supported in Slowvote. So I still do not understand how to mention it.

Embed with Layout inline

It seems the embed supports a layout option called "inline".

Note the difference between a base mention in Task, File and Slowvote:

{T15204,layout=inline}T15204: Test Task - Best Task Ever
{F1,layout=inline}favicon/default-76x76.png (76×76 px, 4 KB)

The inline layout seems just not supported in Slowvote. So I still do not understand how to mention it.

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Wishlist priority.
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public.
valerio.bozzolan renamed this task from Slowvote Remarkup: add support for layout link to Remarkup: allow to mention a Slowvote (without embedding).Mar 27 2023, 10:35
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)

The V123 syntax is disabled by remarkup.ignored-object-names config by default; The default is /^(Q|V|M|P)\d$/ (basically anything starting with Q, V, M, or P and only having one digit), for "Q1" (biz-talk for April), "V1" (for versions), "M1" (for ?????) and "P1" (Jira for "important bug").

I'm honestly surprised about layout=inline working for {T123} - I thought is only works for images. But it can probably be made to work for Votes (or rather, all objects) like it does for tasks.

The V123 syntax is disabled by remarkup.ignored-object-names config by default; The default is /^(Q|V|M|P)\d$/ (basically anything starting with Q, V, M, or P), for "Q1" (biz-talk for April), "V1" (for versions), "M1" (for ?????) and "P1" (Jira for "important bug").

I'm honestly surprised about layout=inline working for {T123} - I thought is only works for images. But it can probably be made to work for Votes (or rather, all objects) like it does for tasks.

I don't know why but referencing pastes like you mentioned earlier works but mentioning Slowvotes does not. Maybe refererencing pastes ceases to dunction once Jira integration is enabled? And what about Ponder questions?

On this server, we changed the config to /^(Q|V|M)\d$/ because we don't have P1 tickets.
I'm also not sure what M is short for.

Note that the regex ends with \d, not \d* - it only catches single digit things - so V10 and Q10 (Ponder) will actually link correctly by default (if the object exists. we only go up to V5 right now).
(I've updated my last comment to mention this).

(M is short for Mockup probably)

So why would referencing Pholio mocks that have a single digit be disabled by default by remarkup.ignored-object-names? Maybe M is used by many for Milestone?