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T15011: Update support for XHPast on Windows

Authored by speck on Feb 6 2024, 03:06.



This adds some functional support for building XHPast on Windows.

Refs T15011

Test Plan

I deleted src/parser/xhpast/bin/xhpast.exe and ran arc lint src/filesystem/FileFinder.php and verified that a new xhpast.exe was produced and linted.

Diff Detail

rARC Arcanist
Lint Passed
Test Failures
Build Status
Buildable 1056
Build 1056: arc lint + arc unit

Unit TestsFailed

13 msArcanistBundleTestCase::testDisjointHunks
EXCEPTION (Exception): Can't parse an empty diff! #0 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\ArcanistBundle.php(191): ArcanistDiffParser->parseDiff('') #1 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\__tests__\ArcanistBundleTestCase.php(33): ArcanistBundle::newFromDiff('')
13 msArcanistBundleTestCase::testMergeHunks
EXCEPTION (Exception): Can't parse an empty diff! #0 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\ArcanistBundle.php(191): ArcanistDiffParser->parseDiff('') #1 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\__tests__\ArcanistBundleTestCase.php(33): ArcanistBundle::newFromDiff('')
12 msArcanistBundleTestCase::testNonlocalTrailingNewline
EXCEPTION (Exception): Can't parse an empty diff! #0 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\ArcanistBundle.php(191): ArcanistDiffParser->parseDiff('') #1 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\__tests__\ArcanistBundleTestCase.php(33): ArcanistBundle::newFromDiff('')
13 msArcanistBundleTestCase::testTrailingContext
EXCEPTION (Exception): Can't parse an empty diff! #0 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\ArcanistBundle.php(191): ArcanistDiffParser->parseDiff('') #1 C:\Users\cspeckrun\Source\phorge\arcanist\src\parser\__tests__\ArcanistBundleTestCase.php(33): ArcanistBundle::newFromDiff('')
2 msArcanistBaseCommitParserTestCase::testBasics
2 assertion(s) passed.
View Full Test Results (4 Failed · 71 Passed · 1 Skipped)

Event Timeline

speck requested review of this revision.Feb 6 2024, 03:06

Fix use of ExecFuture to pass a scalar string as first argument instead of variable.

Fix some lints about line length

The ArcanistBundleTestCase failures are due to diff binary not being present on Windows systems. The tests could be rewritten to utilize git diff instead but would take some effort.

Passed a week. Nobody commented. I blindly trust you in this field :3 Approve.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 15 2024, 23:46

I wonder if the caller should avoid to call this, if not windows.

And here, maybe exception instead.

But that is just my curiosity on a sugar thing.


(Sorry I get it now. Fine.)

Maybe this is wild, but: should we consider removing the compiled xhpast.exe file from the repository, and host is externally?
I think it's only used for working on PHP on Windows; The equivalent xhpast isn't included, presumably because compiling stuff on Windows is harder.
My argument for this is that the normal way to install arcanist is git clone, which downloads all the history (and 95% of users won't need this particular file).

History is here:

Also - is the new file statically linked? did that.

Maybe this is wild, but: should we consider removing the compiled xhpast.exe file from the repository, and host is externally?

I think with this change it's reasonable to remove it. I do believe it was included because compiling it for windows is involved/difficult. This makes it slightly easier.

Also - is the new file statically linked? did that.

I believe so, the last compilation includes -static, though the two libraries are not but I think that's expected/okay.

mainframe98 subscribed.

Took some fiddling with VS2022 to find exactly what I needed to install, but worked like a charm afterwards.

It should be as simple as installing VS2022 Community with the "Desktop development with C++" workload. I inadvertently disabled the Windows SDK, which causes weird build issues (such as missing math.h in cstdlib).


This should have an @echo off to prevent it from outputting comments.

@speck: Hi, would you be willing to land this? Thanks in advance!


I should note that @echo off is only required for running directly. As invoked by Arcanist, this doesn't emit any REM statements because it is run as a separate process.