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Show a link to the Phorge homepage

Authored by valerio.bozzolan on Aug 19 2023, 02:37.
Referenced Files
F3103093: D25413.1741119028.diff
Mon, Mar 3, 20:10
F3086239: D25413.1741080636.diff
Mon, Mar 3, 09:30
F2989971: D25413.1740168286.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 20:04
F2989970: D25413.1740168284.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 20:04
F2989969: D25413.1740168284.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 20:04
F2989968: D25413.1740168283.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 20:04
F2989967: D25413.1740168282.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 20:04
F2989924: D25413.1740167800.diff
Thu, Feb 20, 19:56



It seems we were missing a link to the project homepage.

Also we set the language of the HTML document.


Phorge home proposal.png (648×462 px, 63 KB)

Test Plan

Our homepage must be > 0.00001% more cute.

Diff Detail

rHP Home Page
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan retitled this revision from Show a link to the Phorge homepage It seems we were missing a link to the project homepage. Also we set the language of the HTML document. to Show a link to the Phorge homepage.
valerio.bozzolan edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

add noreferrer for privacy reasons

IMO the added text should be connected to the second sentence of the existing third paragraph, maybe as a separate paragraph. In fact I'd suggest re-grouping the paragraphs differently, to focus on a brief intro, info for users, and info for contributors. Perhaps something like this:

Phorge is an open source, community-driven platform for collaborating, managing, organizing and reviewing software development projects.

You can learn more about the features of Phorge, and how to install Phorge. You can also browse questions and answers or ask a new question.

Finally, Phorge is, of course, developed in Phorge! If you'd like to get involved in the development, you can join the community at, and get acquainted with the development process and guidelines by checking out the contributing docs.

Yeah thanks! Maybe we can somehow keep the footer, in order to have a link for people like me that just have their brain switched-off and just look at the bottom link. Also maybe we can simplify a little bit.

Phorge is an open source, opinionated, community-driven platform for collaborating, managing, organizing and reviewing software development projects.

You can learn more about the features of Phorge, and how to install Phorge. You can also browse questions and answers or ask a new question.

Phorge is developed in Phorge! Explore the contributing docs and join the community to advance developments!

What do you think about?

Yeah, that's nice! Though I'd replace the ! at the end with a :, and would remove the horizontal ruler (while keeping the new paragraph for the link). This way it is clear that the last line is a continuation of the previous one; otherwise, it may not be immediately clear how one is supposed to "join the community".

  • integrate tips from reviewers
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 31 2023, 20:32
valerio.bozzolan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)