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Regression: HTML entities rendered as plain text in config option descriptions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. PHP 8.3.6, Phorge at f75c7ce7664b1baa23463a3f3fa62cbb671687d2
  2. Go to /config/edit/maniphest.statuses/ or /config/edit/maniphest.priorities/
  3. See that all HTML entities are shown as plain text, for example <em>Optional list&lt;string&gt;.</em>. This is a regression.

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Apr 29 2024, 13:55

I love that Phorge has this "Unbreak Now" btw

Odd, I can't quite figure out how this would interfere with //Optional list<string>.//