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When creating a Diffusion Repo, add helpful text to each field
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Create Repository form looks like the following

image.png (671×1 px, 29 KB)

It would be helpful to describe the fields on this form a bit better. And even the basic rules

image.png (188×485 px, 6 KB)

For instance, we should describe that "CALLSIGN" must be all upper case, no spaces, and is used to reference this repository in tasks, etc. (using the rXXXXX syntax)

Short Name
Note that the short name is used in URI's for the repo, and URI in Phorge to the repo

This would be helpful when setting up new repos.

The diviner doc is at


Somewhat adjacent to this task is T15151: Allow to prefill the Diffusion creation form with Policies and preference on "Enormous changes"

Event Timeline

Ekubischta renamed this task from When creating a Diffusion Rep, add helpful text to each field to When creating a Diffusion Repo, add helpful text to each field.Feb 23 2024, 14:19
For later

diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/editor/DiffusionRepositoryEditEngine.php b/src/applications/diffusion/editor/DiffusionRepositoryEditEngine.php
index c9dbb2b329..48fa22c12a 100644
--- a/src/applications/diffusion/editor/DiffusionRepositoryEditEngine.php
+++ b/src/applications/diffusion/editor/DiffusionRepositoryEditEngine.php
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ final class DiffusionRepositoryEditEngine
       id(new PhabricatorTextEditField())
+        ->setPlaceholder('SOME_UPPERCASE_NAME_NO_SPACES')
         ->setDescription(pht('The repository callsign.'))
@@ -296,6 +297,7 @@ final class DiffusionRepositoryEditEngine
       id(new PhabricatorTextEditField())
         ->setLabel(pht('Short Name'))
+        ->setPlaceholder('some-lowercase-name-no-spaces')
         ->setDescription(pht('Short, unique repository name.'))