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Site is inaccessible while waiting for approval
Closed, ObsoletePublic

Asked by Tgr on Jan 24 2024, 22:33.


Between registering and getting manually confirmed, every Phabricator page is replaced with a "Wait For Approval" interstitial, including pages which I could view anonymously. While not a big deal (I can still view pages in an incognito browser window), it's weird and a bit annoying - e.g. I click on the formatting help icon on, and a popup window opens with a "Wait For Approval" message...


Updated 425 Days Ago

(Welcome to Phorge! You are now in the family of Trusted Contributors and you can create Tasks)

If you say that a Phorge is generally more accessible in an anonymous mode than when in "Waiting For Approval" mode, this is indeed an interesting UX Bug Reports at least.

A bug report and/or a patch is welcome for this (feel free to copy-paste as new Task - so you get eternal glory - or we can do it for you).

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