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Updated 909 Days AgoPublic

Event: {E12}

Last meeting notes: 2022-07-26


Agenda Items and Notes:

  • Is branding completed?
      • Mostly yes, enough to issue a release.
      • Favicon not updated, but that doesn't seem to be trademarked. We can create a separate lower-priority issue to eventually update the favicon
      • Diviner documentation still reference Phabricator. These should also be updated. This will likely require making software updates for documents being rendered with a minimal set of remarkup rules.
      • We should communicate/encourage a pathway for security-related issues to be reported. Evan still receives security reports from HackerOne.
    • @rraval brought up the issue from T15106.
      • This hasn't been reported to phabricator upstream but might be worthwhile to notify them
      • We are open to contributions from the community
    • @dtf brought up his findings outlined in E12#264
    • Discussed the T15109
      • Probably not something we want to change upstream.
      • @rraval suggested that it might make sense to filter out projects which have no members

To Discuss at next meeting

  • T15011 - making it easier for users to setup a development environment will encourage more community engagement
    • This would also include running lint/unit on the phorge server, and being able to land from the web page instead of using arc
  • Allowing community members to host their own repositories

Action items:

  • @avivey will work on migration notes and making release blog post
  • @speck will report T15106 upstream
Last Author
Last Edited
Aug 27 2022, 14:36