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Paste previous milestone's description text when creating a new milestone
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by aklapper on Feb 5 2025, 12:16.
Referenced Files
F3221579: D25864.1741864630.diff
Wed, Mar 12, 11:17
F3221342: D25864.1741828145.diff
Wed, Mar 12, 01:09
F3219934: D25864.1741783931.diff
Tue, Mar 11, 12:52
F3216142: D25864.1741680507.diff
Mon, Mar 10, 08:08
F3215933: D25864.1741670555.diff
Mon, Mar 10, 05:22
F3215690: D25864.1741659226.diff
Mon, Mar 10, 02:13
F3212756: D25864.1741481336.diff
Sat, Mar 8, 00:48
F3171743: D25864.1741276695.diff
Wed, Mar 5, 15:58



In the Milestone creation form, by default paste the description text of the previous milestone, and add instructions to review and edit that text.
This increases consistency of descriptions across milestones by streamlining workflows a bit.

Closes T15991

Test Plan
  • Select "Create Next Milestone" in a project which already has a previous milestone with Description text set: See additional instructions above the Description field, plus the Description text from the previous milestone pre-filled in the Description field.
  • Select "Create Next Milestone" in a project which already has a previous milestone with no Description text: Code not triggered.
  • Create a milestone in a project which has no milestones yet: Code not triggered.
  • Create a subproject in a project which has no subprojects yet: Code not triggered.
  • Create a subproject in a project which has a previous subproject: Code not triggered.

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
T15991 (branched from master)
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 1772
Build 1772: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

aklapper requested review of this revision.Feb 5 2025, 12:16
aklapper retitled this revision from Allow pasting previous milestone's description when creating a new milestone to Allow copying previous milestone's description when creating a new milestone.Feb 5 2025, 13:45

Uh. Nice.

Question: in an ideal world would you love even more the same button, that "just" prefills the textarea? That could be also probably done server-side, without JavaScript. That would help T15991 even more I think.

If you say "uhm yes" maybe we can keep this patch stalled (and find some time to understand how to put some more object-oriented in PhabricatorEditEngine), and play a bit in another patch. So, if we are capable of the different thing, good, if not, we continue this, so at least you have something in WMF. What do you think about?

Question: in an ideal world would you love even more the same button, that "just" prefills the textarea?

Yes. One manual action less which needs to be done anyway.

That could be also probably done server-side, without JavaScript.

Very very likely. But I'm too stupid to find out how, so far.

If you say "uhm yes" maybe we can keep this patch stalled (and find some time to understand how to put some more object-oriented in PhabricatorEditEngine), and play a bit in another patch.

"Whatever makes me feel like there is some progress into the right direction", as I would probably reply to my manager at work. :P

Directly put the text of the previous milestone into the description field and display additional info about this new behavior. Less code complexity, less manual user actions.

Make funtion private now that it's all in the same class; fix a doc typo

aklapper retitled this revision from Allow copying previous milestone's description when creating a new milestone to Paste previous milestone's description text when creating a new milestone.Sat, Mar 8, 13:17
aklapper edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
aklapper edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
aklapper edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)