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Don't try to translate date elements used internally in AphrontFormDateControlValue
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by pppery on Jan 10 2025, 04:42.



Fixes T15811. Alternative to D25618

Test Plan

Observe that the lengthy steps to reproduce in T15811 no longer reproduce. Observe that translated date strings (e.p.p.) still appear in most parts of the interface

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 1672
Build 1672: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

pppery requested review of this revision.Jan 10 2025, 04:42

Thanks! If you remember which parts of the interface you've already tested, feel free to mention in the Test Plan, so I can maybe help in testing other parts

All I did was look at the homepage and observe I saw "e. p. p" in the recent activity (and thus the translations somehow worked). That was more of a paranoia check for unintended side effects on other uses of the function, to make sure I didn't break date translation completely. You're welcome to test other UI things to make sure they're not affected if you wish.

Actual forms in which the user enters dates/times still seem to only accept English, which is fine I guess.

I'd love to see better steps to reproduce something somewhere. :-/ I cannot even find e.p.p. or epp. somewhere in the Finnish translations anymore...

You have to check out an old version of the translations repo. You wrote the steps to reproduce at T15811, and they still reproduce without this patch and don't with it.