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How to set fa-pie-chart value?
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Asked by littleggghost on Mar 1 2024, 16:38.


As ponder Q114: Subtypes deadline switch to colored calendar icons says, I want to replace the calendar icon to a pie-char percentage icon.

In the extension codes about the icon value part:

if ($deadline && $due) {
  $text = phabricator_date($due, $viewer);
  $now = time();
  $day = 86400;
  if ($due < $now) {
  } else if ($due < $now + ($day * 2.5)) {
  } else if ($due < $now + ($day * 7)) {
  } else {
  $icon = 'fa-calendar-check-o';

The variable "text" and function "setColor" is the key to set a colored calendar with date.

Then what's the key variable and function about a pie-chart? Could you give me a short demo about a simple pie-chart?



Updated 383 Days Ago

fa-pie-chart is a pie chart icon:

there aren't separate versions for different percentages, unfortunately.

You could maybe use Unicode characters like U+25D5 CIRCLE WITH ALL BUT UPPER LEFT QUADRANT BLACK

Examples: ◴ ◵ ◶ ◷ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◕

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