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Projects: improve quality of destroy workflow
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by valerio.bozzolan on Aug 12 2024, 21:21.



When you permanently destroy a specific project from the command line, the following
additional good things now happen:

  • the direct orhpan milestones are removed too (instead of leaving them orphan, broken, invisible forever)
  • all children projects emerge like cute bubbles by one level (instead of having them orphan, broken, invisible forever)
  • the parent project is eventually restored as "without sub-projects" (instead of having a broken root-project with bugged memberships)

This change has nothing to do with archived projects.

This change will only affect future usages of the destroy workflow, that is:


Example initial situation:

Project A
 [projectDepth: 0]
 [hasSubprojects: 1]
 [members: *automatic*, foo, bar]
 > Project B
  [projectDepth: 1]
  [hasSubprojects: 1]
  [members: *automatic*, foo, bar]
  > Project C
   [hasSubprojects: 0]
   [projectDepth: 2]
   [members: foo, bar]
   > Milestone C.1
    [projectDepth: 3]

Situation after destroying only project A:

Project B
 [projectDepth: 0]
 [hasSubprojects: 1]
 [members: *automatic*, foo, bar]
 > Project C
  [projectDepth: 1]
  [hasSubprojects: 0]
  [members: foo, bar]
  > Milestone C.1
   [projectDepth: 2]

Situation after destroying only project B:

Project A
 [projectDepth: 0]
 [hasSubprojects: 1]
 [members: *automatic*, foo, bar]
 > Project C
  [projectDepth: 1]
  [hasSubprojects: 0]
  [members: foo, bar]
  > Milestone C.1
   [projectDepth: 2]

Situation after destroying only project C:

Project A
 [projectDepth: 0]
 [hasSubprojects: 1]
 [members: *automatic*, foo, bar]
 > Project B
  [projectDepth: 1]
  [hasSubprojects: 0]
  [members: foo, bar]

Situation after destroying only milestone C.1:

Project A
 [projectDepth: 0]
 [hasSubprojects: 1]
 [members: *automatic*, foo, bar]
 > Project B
  [projectDepth: 1]
  [hasSubprojects: 1]
  [members: *automatic*, foo, bar]
  > Project C
   [hasSubprojects: 0]
   [projectDepth: 2]
   [members: foo, bar]
Test Plan

Run multiple times the destroy workflow under every imaginable case,
to violently destroy a projects tree, leaf by leaf. We suggest to run it
with the trace option. Example:

./bin/remove destroy --trace PHID-PROJ-s0met1ng

To run the above workflow multiple times, you may appreciate a dump:

./bin/storage dump | gzip > dump.sql.gz

So you can easily restore it whenever you want:

zcat dump.sql.gz | ./bin/storage shell
  • Delete simple milestone
    • create a new simple project "A" with milestone "M" and delete "M"
    • deletion still works on milestone "M"
  • Delete simple project
    • create a new simple project "A" with a workboard and destroy "A":
    • deletion still works on project "A"
    • workboard is still not accessible
    • if there were tasks, they are still there but without tag "A"
  • Delete project with milestone (T15913)
    • create a new project "A" with a milestone "B" and delete "A"
    • deletion still works on project "A"
    • milestone "B" is finally nuked from the database and you do not see it anymore in the phabricator_project table
  • Delete a project with sub-projects (T15918)
    • create a new project "A" with a sub-project called "B" and delete "A"
    • deletion still works on project "A"
    • project "B" becomes a root-project and it has depth "0" again and it's usable, instead of having it borked with "You Shall Not Pass"
  • Delete a sub-project (T15697)
    • create a new project "A" with a sub-project called "B" and delete "B"
    • deletion still works on project "B"
    • project "A" is usable again like "B" never existed, so you can change memberships and all the things, instead of having it borked

Closes T15697
Closes T15913
Closes T15918

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 1543
Build 1543: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan held this revision as a draft.
valerio.bozzolan retitled this revision from Project: improve permanent destroy of sub-projects to Projects: improve quality of destroy workflow.
valerio.bozzolan edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

update description

valerio.bozzolan edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

After only 30 hours of work. Wow. asd

add a bit of documentation - just because we can

Any other test plan suggested? Current ones: delete simple milestone, delete project with milestone, delete a project with sub-projects, delete a sub-project, ecc.

mainframe98 subscribed.

I find the current iteration too difficult to read, although that may be partially caused by the mutual language barrier.

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I don't understand what this sentence wants to say. It implies not following Permanently Destroying Data? But why?

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a real mess for family photos``` - Love this bit.
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This revision now requires changes to proceed.Feb 2 2025, 13:23

implement tips, simplify (thanks)

valerio.bozzolan added inline comments.
372–373 ↗(On Diff #2450)

(I've just written "all these consequences" now. seems good?)

375–377 ↗(On Diff #2450)

(I've simplified a bit with at least a useful examples like "show only to me")

387–389 ↗(On Diff #2450)

The risks are explained after "What happens when you permanently destroy" 👍 (is this the answer?)

391 ↗(On Diff #2450)

Here I would just like to clarify that a milestone is really a project. I put "or a milestone" as solution

valerio.bozzolan marked 4 inline comments as done.

add missing comma

last cosmetic change on a title with extra "==="

clarify that an archived tag is not removed from their tasks

Dear friend @mainframe98 - I suggest to click the button Hide "Done" inlines in the top-right corner to easily do another reading

This is much better. A few spelling errors remain, plus two suggestions to make sentences read a little less awkward.

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OK my friend, I've worked a lot to make it shorter... but still more dense of useful info, reducing jokes at minimum.

Really much more info in less text.

Sorry for extra major reading lol

Aldo I may need extra help from @waldyrious asdlol (on the Documentation I mean)

clarify how to run the command (last change promise)