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Cleanup unused cowsay files (related to legacy Perl binary version)

Authored by valerio.bozzolan on May 24 2023, 15:13.
Referenced Files
F3248677: D25242.1742265927.diff
Mon, Mar 17, 02:45
F3248675: D25242.1742265895.diff
Mon, Mar 17, 02:44
F3248660: D25242.1742265509.diff
Mon, Mar 17, 02:38
F3246632: D25242.1742213166.diff
Sun, Mar 16, 12:06
F3224971: D25242.1742089954.diff
Sat, Mar 15, 01:52
F3221087: D25242.1741813653.diff
Tue, Mar 11, 21:07
F3221086: D25242.1741813650.diff
Tue, Mar 11, 21:07
F3210077: D25242.1741440753.diff
Fri, Mar 7, 13:32



Premising that Remarkup supports a fully-featured cowsay generator (!)... since 2015 this awesome
thing no longer requires a binary cowsay command, since everything was rewritten in the core:


So, some files from the legacy cowsay version in Perl can be safely removed.

We still thank the original author Tony Monroe for the original version in Perl (dated 2000),
and Evan Priestley for the re-implementation in PHP.

Probably nobody knows about this feature. This may change in the future. See T15401.

Closes T15418

Test Plan

Try some awesome cows to verify that everything still works. For instance:

cowsay {{{
cowsay (think=yes,eyes=XX,tongue=^^) {{{
cowsay (cow=stegosaurus) {{{

If nothing explodes, yuppie! Cowsay still works.

Credits to the original version in Perl remained in place.

Diff Detail

rP Phorge
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

avivey subscribed.

I was intrigued that Evan added the perl version in the first place, but I went and read the licenses and I think it's fine to remove these parts.

To be even more fine, we can put a note in the README that we "modified" this version by deleting all the perl code and re-implemented it in src/infrastructure/markup/interpreter/PhabricatorRemarkupCowsayBlockInterpreter.php.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 27 2023, 07:42

Update README to add some useful notes proposed by avivey


Do you like this?

I think the README is somehow OK now. Any further improvement is welcome. Thanks :)