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Tasks about the built-in CI system.

For now, these three are coupled enough to warrant a single tag.

Recent Activity

May 31 2024

valerio.bozzolan added a revision to T15018: Make Harbormaster more generally usable and extendable: D25675: Drydock and Almanac: add welcome pages.
May 31 2024, 16:10 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T15018: Make Harbormaster more generally usable and extendable.

Also adding some on-platform documentation would be nice.

May 31 2024, 16:10 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Oct 11 2023

valerio.bozzolan updated the diff for D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place.

git rebase master

Oct 11 2023, 06:35 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Aug 1 2023

aklapper updated the task description for T15408: PHP 8.1 "json_decode(null)" exception blocks creating Almanac Hosts blueprint in Drydock.
Aug 1 2023, 17:09 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster, PHP 8 support

Jul 5 2023

Cigaryno edited projects for D25011: Remove CircleCI specific code from all over the place, added: Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster; removed Harbormaster (archived).
Jul 5 2023, 19:05 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Jun 29 2023

Cigaryno added a project to T15408: PHP 8.1 "json_decode(null)" exception blocks creating Almanac Hosts blueprint in Drydock: Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster.
Jun 29 2023, 20:55 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster, PHP 8 support

Jun 19 2023

valerio.bozzolan added a project to T15107: Conduit does cannot sign requests using the almanac private key: Conduit.

(Re-adding Conduit as a non-subproject Tag since we have 5-6 tasks about it)

Jun 19 2023, 07:28 · Conduit, Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

May 9 2023

avivey removed a project from T15107: Conduit does cannot sign requests using the almanac private key: Deprecated Conduit.
May 9 2023, 10:51 · Conduit, Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster

Apr 6 2023

Cigaryno edited projects for T15088: Allow for Diviner books to live in their own Repo, added: Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster; removed Harbormaster (archived).
Apr 6 2023, 10:15 · Diviner
avivey edited projects for T15107: Conduit does cannot sign requests using the almanac private key, added: Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster; removed Diffusion (archived), Almanac (archived).
Apr 6 2023, 10:13 · Conduit, Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
avivey edited projects for T15018: Make Harbormaster more generally usable and extendable, added: Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster; removed Harbormaster (archived).
Apr 6 2023, 10:10 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
avivey edited projects for T15057: Kubernetes support in Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster, added: Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster; removed Almanac (archived), Drydock (archived), Harbormaster (archived).
Apr 6 2023, 10:09 · Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster
avivey created Almanac/Drydock/Harbormaster.
Apr 6 2023, 10:09