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Softaculous installation package
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Asked by brainchild on Jul 19 2023, 19:07.


Forge operates on a LAMP stack, making it suitable for operation in a shared hosting environment, such as one managed by cPanel or Plesk. Installation of applications in such contexts is often facilitated by packages through Softaculous.

Requested is maintenance of a Softaculous package for Phorge.

Documentation is available for package authoring.

Answer Summary

Phorge is not likely to work in such an environment, and we're not interested in changing our architecture to support it.


Updated 460 Days Ago

Any contribution in this is welcome, if you know how to do that :)

But, it seems to me that "Softaculous" is a proprietary software, so nobody in the world can do that, apart from Softaculous. Contact them and pay them.

Updated 459 Days Ago

Softaculous itself is indeed a commercial product, but it in no way follows that package creation or maintenance is possible only by its developer.

Some documentation is available for package authoring. I would speculate that packages are updated on servers manually, or through a system for which access is granted to package authors on request.

Most of the packages available are for open-source projects.

Did you find a source, or do you have experience, supporting the conclusion that package development is possible only by Softaculous?

The system is immensely useful for operating applications on small scales sustained by limited time and money. Even complex projects are supported for turnkey provisioning and upgrading. One example is Nextcloud.

I would prefer that the question remain open and visible, in order to help express and to evaluate interest, in case someone wishes to contribute to the effort.

Updated 308 Days Ago

  1. Phorge is not likely to work on shared hosting like CPanel. That's explicitly mentioned in the Installation manual.
  2. When asking to integrate a FOSS product with a commercial product, unless the commercial product is so big that it's effectively an eco-system (think "gmail", or "AWS"), it's better to ask the commercial entity first - they get paid for it.
  3. When asking to solve a problem, it's best to describe the problem, and maybe suggest some possible solutions. Suggesting a specific solution is normally the worst way to ask for a solution.

For example, can you suggest some alternative tools to Softaculous that serve the same purpose? Maybe some of them are easier to build packages to, or even have one.

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