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Issue with Attached Files Displaying as Text ({F469})
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Asked by SmokiMokiMo on Jan 14 2025, 10:49.
Referenced Files
Restricted File
Jan 15 2025, 11:13
Restricted File
Jan 15 2025, 11:13
F2874051: image.png
Jan 14 2025, 10:49
F469: #a192a9-alphanumeric/lato-white/L.png-255,255,255,0.4.png
Jan 14 2025, 10:49
"Love" token, awarded by valerio.bozzolan.


After editing a comment in a Phorge task, attached files become inaccessible to other users and are displayed as plain text (

#a192a9-alphanumeric/lato-white/L.png-255,255,255,0.4.png (400×400 px, 1 KB)
) instead of rendering as file links or previews.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a task in Phorge and attach a file (e.g., a screenshot or document).
Submit the task and ensure the attached file is properly displayed as a link or preview.
Add a comment to the task.
Edit the comment you just added.
Observe how the attached file is displayed for other users.

Expected Behavior

Attached files should remain accessible and display correctly as links or previews to all users, even after editing a comment.

Actual Behavior

For other users, attached files are displayed as the text placeholder {F469} instead of rendering as clickable links or previews.

image.png (472×855 px, 83 KB)

Environment Details

Phorge Version: [stable 2024.35]
Browser: [ Brave v 1.75.156]
Operating System: [Ubuntu 22.04]
Reproducibility: [it happen every time - 100%]

Additional Information

It seems the placeholder ({F469}) fails to resolve to the correct file link after editing.
The issue only occurs for other users; the original author can still see the file correctly.
Screenshots or logs can be added here if applicable.


Updated 49 Days Ago

It was my fault, I did not pay attention to the fact that in the right panel "list of added files" the files I add are marked with restricted access. Question solved!!! You can close it

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