At my work, some of the engineers hate project workboards because as long as they're enabled then there's extra text after the tags in the lists on the side of a Maniphest task.
A fair enough complaint, I guess. Except that I love clicking on tags in Maniphest (or elsewhere) to jump right to a view of open Maniphest tasks with that tag, and disabling workboards makes it at bare minimum an additional click---the best I've gotten is manually specifying a Maniphest query URL as a menu item or in the project description that can then be clicked on once the project is open.
As far as I can tell, even with the more advanced functions such queries can't automatically understand the project they're attached to (so each would have to be crafted manually), and nor can they be made the default views within a project (which generally makes sense, but is annoying in this case).
Is there some way I'm not noticing to satisfy the somewhat contradictory requests here from the engineers vs me? Or am I stuck making either side at least a little bit unhappy with kludgey workarounds? I'm guessing it's the latter, but it felt worth asking in case I'm wrong!