This requires some modifications:
- Remove all migrations for releeph and phragment. These are referring to objects and tables that do not exist in modern Phorge installations and cannot run.
- Remove the paste mail key generation. New code will set this correctly, and old installations that didn't apply this change have other concerns. In a follow up, migrating these to the mail table will make it obsolete anyways.
- Modify the 20131205.buildtargets.sql migration to modify the index before dropping the column that the index uses, as MariaDB refuses to drop a column used in an index.
In addition, to make sure the diff for quickstart.sql isn't
unreviewable, sort databases and tables alphabetically in the dump
All in all, this results in a quickstart.sql that is better rebuildable.
For some reason, this drops certain explicit collation and character
set statements. This should not have any effect, as the table creation
statement already states the same. The explicit SET character_client_set
and SET NAMES statements appeared during the last rebuild in
5720a38cfe95. They weren't emitted previously.