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Maniphest tasks in calendar view

Asked by tanasi on Sat, Jan 18, 21:38.


I am using phabricator heavily for my team task management.

One important thing that I miss is the following:

  • My teammates have tasks assigned so they can view the work to be done with different priorities.
  • But sometimes you need to organize the work using a calendar. So the users know the proposed workflow.
  • e.g. let's say a teammate has 20 tasks to be finished this week.
  • To help him as a manager I could organize (or guide) his work for each day. e.g. Monday work on those 5 tasks, then Tuesday work on those 3, Then wednesday those 6 and so on.
  • So, instead of working based on priorities, focus on what needs to be done per day based on a calendar view.
  • For example you could ask a user "On Tuesday please focus on those 6 tasks which are all similar logic"

My point is that it would be great to have along with the KanBan board, a calendar view. Similar to what trello has (but with a power up as far as I remember). This way we could move tasks on specific days and then the users will know priorities and the proposed workflow.
Especially with non experienced team members that easily stray to other tasks this could be a savior.

What do you think about this? Has anyone similar needs and how do you solve it now? Any hints are appreciated.


Updated 27 Days Ago

Generally, yes! thanks. Having tasks more integrated with calendar would be in line with this:

This feature is not available yet and there is not any patch proposed.

At the moment, the workaround to apply your workflow is very probably:

  • create a Milestone for your next week (e.g. name "Week 11")
  • in that Milestone, create columns like "Monday", etc.

That seems boring, but you just need to manually create columns just the first time... then any future milestone can use the older as template. Seems it good for you? Thanks :) Happy Phorging

Updated 26 Days Ago


Thanks for your input! This seems not a bad workaround.
I guess it could work by creating in the workboard all the week days as columns. Then assign tasks to each day.

One downside I see is what about the case the user has been assigned to many different projects. This may get quite tricky.

Unless if... You create a dummy project e g. "Weekly workflow" and assign each task to the original project but also to the dummy project that will have the day columns.

I am going to try this but I would really think this would be a great addition to the software.

Anyways thanks again! 😊

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