Query tasks with a custom boolen field set to false
Event Timeline
Its basically a predefined query that is called via conduit:
(echo '{"queryKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"}' | /opt/phabricator/arcanist/bin/arc call-conduit --conduit-uri https://our.phorge.service/ --conduit-token our--conduit-token -- maniphest.search) > resultfile.json
The basic problem is that boolean queries only allow for "true" or "ANY" but not for "false" and i never understood for what reason that is.
Can you share a screenshot to this fact of... true or any but not false? Thank you so much
(Please set that file as visible to everyone)
Since the answer of this is "sadly this is not possible now" I elevated this as a Task:
T15177: Allow to query Tasks with a custom boolean field set to false
Thank you. Marking as Closed.
@Higgs It seems to me, that it really does not filter by true, but it filter by "It has this field set to true, or false". That is why the filter is called "Require". Can you confirm this guess?
No, the filter only fires when the value is set to true. When the value is not set or set to false, the filter does not fire. I believe that for boolean fields there is no way to distinguish ‚false‘ from ‚not defined‘ which might be the root cause of the issue.
Furthermore when i define the field as required, then the only accepted value for the field is ‚true‘ which makes no sense at all to me.