[Bug] Can't setup Admin account
[Bug] Can't setup Admin account
Event Timeline
Herald added subscribers: Cigaryno, Matthew. · View Herald TranscriptMar 25 2024, 04:492024-03-25 04:49:08 (UTC+0)
Comment Actions
I can't reproduce this.
Which version of phorge/arc do you have (git log -1)?
How did you install the new Instance?
Comment Actions
- Versions:
- Phorge: d42b3eb0b17a55b6691e7b064552bc317f367fb8
- Arcanist: ef73b12b580ee10bd901299419f4edac20f06c1a
- PHP: 8.0.30
- MySQL: 8.0.36
- Phorge installation
We run Phorge in Docker container: Phorge & MySQL, and the Dockerfile inspired by Redpoint Phabricator. We migrated from Phabricator to Phorge more than half a year, which always runs well.
FROM alpine:3.17 ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai ENV PHP_VERSION=8 #Cleanup old apk cache data RUN --mount=type=secret,id=apk_config,dst=/kaniko/apk_config \ cat /kaniko/apk_config > /etc/apk/repositories \ && apk update \ && apk add --no-cache \ coreutils \ diffutils \ gettext \ supervisor \ musl \ openssh \ python3 \ py-pygments \ py3-cryptography \ git \ git-daemon \ nodejs \ nginx \ subversion \ imagemagick \ cyrus-sasl \ mercurial \ npm \ bash \ tzdata \ mysql-client \ procps \ php${PHP_VERSION} \ php${PHP_VERSION}-json \ php${PHP_VERSION}-dom \ php${PHP_VERSION}-pdo \ php${PHP_VERSION}-zip \ php${PHP_VERSION}-mysqli \ php${PHP_VERSION}-bcmath \ php${PHP_VERSION}-gd \ php${PHP_VERSION}-odbc \ php${PHP_VERSION}-pdo_mysql \ php${PHP_VERSION}-gettext \ php${PHP_VERSION}-bz2 \ php${PHP_VERSION}-iconv \ php${PHP_VERSION}-curl \ php${PHP_VERSION}-ctype \ php${PHP_VERSION}-session \ php${PHP_VERSION}-mbstring \ php${PHP_VERSION}-opcache \ php${PHP_VERSION}-fileinfo \ php${PHP_VERSION}-pcntl \ php${PHP_VERSION}-posix \ php${PHP_VERSION}-ldap \ php${PHP_VERSION}-xmlwriter \ php${PHP_VERSION}-openssl \ php${PHP_VERSION}-sockets \ php${PHP_VERSION}-pecl-memcached \ php${PHP_VERSION}-pecl-apcu \ php${PHP_VERSION}-pecl-redis \ php${PHP_VERSION}-intl \ php${PHP_VERSION}-fpm \ && ln -sf /usr/sbin/php-fpm${PHP_VERSION} /usr/sbin/php-fpm \ && ln -s /etc/php${PHP_VERSION} /etc/php \ && ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime \ && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone \ && ssh-keygen -A \ && mkdir -p \ /etc/nginx/conf.d \ /root/.ssh \ && rm -rf \ /var/cache/apk/* \ /root/.cache/* \ /etc/nginx/nginx.conf \ /etc/nginx/http.d \ /etc/ssh/sshd_config \ /etc/php/php-fpm.d/www.conf \ && cat /dev/null > /etc/apk/repositories # Create users and groups ENV BASE_DIR=/app COPY assets /kaniko/assets RUN addgroup -g 2000 phorge \ && adduser -h ${BASE_DIR} -s /bin/sh -G phorge -D -u 2000 PHORGE \ && ssh-keygen -A \ && mkdir -p ${BASE_DIR}/config ${BASE_DIR}/run \ && cd /kaniko/assets \ && cp nginx.conf.tmpl /etc/nginx/ \ && cp \ phorge-nginx-http.conf.tmpl \ phorge-nginx-https.conf.tmpl \ /etc/nginx/conf.d \ && cp \ phorge-ssh-hook.sh.tmpl \ sshd_config.tmpl \ /etc/ssh \ && cp phorge.ini.tmpl /etc/php/conf.d \ && cp phorge-fpm.conf.tmpl /etc/php/php-fpm.d/ \ && cp \ run-phd.sh \ run-ssh.sh \ run-aphlict.sh \ /usr/local/bin \ && cp supervisord.conf ${BASE_DIR}/config \ && cp sgerrand.rsa.pub /etc/apk/keys/ \ && rm -rf /kaniko/assets WORKDIR /kaniko/apk COPY glibc_*_apk glibc.apk COPY glibc-bin_*_apk glibc-bin.apk COPY glibc-i18n_*_apk glibc-i18n.apk RUN apk add --no-cache -f \ glibc.apk \ glibc-bin.apk \ glibc-i18n.apk \ && cd ${BASE_DIR} \ && rm -rf /kaniko/apk /var/cache/apk/* \ && /usr/glibc-compat/sbin/ldconfig /lib /usr/glibc-compat/lib \ # Fix link error && cd /usr/glibc-compat/lib/ \ && /usr/glibc-compat/bin/localedef --force --inputfile POSIX --charmap UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 || true \ && /usr/glibc-compat/bin/localedef --force --inputfile POSIX --charmap UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8 || true \ && /usr/glibc-compat/bin/localedef --force --inputfile POSIX --charmap UTF-8 zh_CN.UTF-8 || true # NOTE: Dest name can only be `phabricator`, cause it might be hardcoded in program ENV BRAND=phabricator COPY phorge ${BASE_DIR}/${BRAND} COPY assets/DisableUsernameEditEventListener.php ${BASE_DIR}/${BRAND}/src/extensions/ COPY arcanist ${BASE_DIR}/arcanist/ # https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel - Dead but required for excel exports ! COPY PHPExcel ${BASE_DIR}/PHPExcel/ # Chinese Language Pack COPY phabricator-zh_cn ${BASE_DIR}/${BRAND}/src/extensions/phabricator-zh_cn/ COPY --chmod=755 gosu_*_bin /usr/local/bin/gosu # Install required dependencies for aphlict (websocket) RUN update-ca-certificates \ && cd ${BASE_DIR}/${BRAND}/support/aphlict/server \ && npm install ws \ && chown -R 2000:2000 ${BASE_DIR}/ /var/lib/nginx \ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/* ...
Comment Actions
I can't immediately reproduce with that version either. I'll try again later.
In the meanwhile:
- Try clearing your browser's cache
- Try updating Phorge to the latest commit
- Try disabling this extension: assets/DisableUsernameEditEventListener.php
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