Phriction Welcome to the Phorge Wiki Planning Meetings Wikimania Hackathon 2023 Singapore History Version 5 vs 9
Version 5 vs 9
Version 5 vs 9
- Move Away by valerio.bozzolan, Version 9
- Aug 28 2023 15:56
- ·fix typo
- Edit by valerio.bozzolan, Version 5
- Aug 19 2023 05:00
Edit Older Version 5... |
Content Changes
Content Changes
NOTE: This page presents some goals discussed during Wikimedia Hackaton 2023. Thanks for contributing!
== Context {icon heart spin} ==
Wikimedia Hackaton in Athens was GREAT!
[[ planning_meetings/wikimedia_hackaton_2023_athens_code_sprint/ ]]
Thanks Athens!
== Phorged Phings in SingaPhore {icon rocket spin} ==
cowsay (cow=stegosaurus) {{{
Here some Phorged Phings on Phorge during Wikimania PHackaton in SingaPhore 2023! <3
{D25061} regression
{D25390} - hacker: aklapper
{D25393} - hacker: bob minion
| Before | After |
{D25305} - hacer: matmarex
| Before | After |
| {F312321,size=full} | {F312323,size=full} |
{D25398} bug browsing Subversion - hacker: bob minion
{D25399} bug browsing Subversion - hacker: bob minion
{D25403} bug in Dark mode
{D25397} bug browsing Subversion and Mercurial - hacker: bob minion
{D25387} - hacker: avivey
{D25386} - hacker: avivey
{D25343} - rebrand issue - hacker: avivey
{D25408} - hacker: valerio
{D25079} - hacker: valerio
{D25406} - hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25405} - hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25394} bug during setup wizard - hacker: bob, reviewer: valerio
{D25401} bug in websocket notifications - hacker: bob, reviewer: valerio
{D25382} bug in notification server URI - hacker: bob, reviewer: v., avivey
{D25407} hacker: valerio, reviewer: avivey
| Before | After |
| {F335620,size=full} | {F335621,size=full} |
{D25404} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: avivey
{D25402} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: valerio
{D25395} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25396} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: valerio
{D25392} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25384} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: Matthew, valerio
| Before | After |
{D25341} hacker: matmarex, reviewer: avivey
{D25374} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: Matthew
{D25362} hacker: Matthew, reviewer: valerio, avivey
{D25379} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: Matthew
{D25370} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: Matthew
{D25391} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25389} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25383} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: valerio
== Nice to review ==
| | | [[ changelog/ ]] | [[ #anchor | #anchor ]] | | [[ /config/ | /config/ ]] |
| Before this change | external | internal | internal | external | external |
| **After** this change | external | internal | internal | **internal** | **internal** |
== Show me last Phings! ==
=== New Confirmation Dialog when Closing a Modal by mistake ==
On a Workboard, if you press the `Esc` key by mistake, now you see a kind Confirmation Dialog. Your volatile edits are more safe:
Patch: D25015
=== Drag & Drop Popup: Fast access to Edit Permissions ===
After you Drag & Drop a file, you see something like this:
Now the destination link changed:
| Before | After |
| ``|``|
So you can visit its {nav icon=pencil,name=Edit} button to change Permissions in 2 clicks, etc. Also, the link now opens in a //new// tab: less possibilities to loss your work in your current tab ✨
Patches: D25074, D25077
=== All Search Results supporting ctrl+click ===
All search results now can be opened easily opened in parallel, in another Tab, using ctrl+click or middle-click:
Patch: D25069
=== Self-Descriptive API pages ===
All API description pages in Conduit, now have a nice visible description, very visible:
Patch: D25063
=== Diffusion repositories: editable from Mobile ===
Now Diffusion repositories can be edited from Tablet and Mobile users, using the {nav icon=bars,name=Actions} button (previously not working):
| Before | After |
| {F276115,size=full} | {F276113,size=full} |
Patch: D25109
=== Deleted Comments: less distracting ===
Now every Deleted Comment is a bit more docile, so you gain extra focus:
| Before | After |
| {F274834,size=full} | {F274835,size=full} |
Patch: D25096
=== Better Homepage on Mobile ===
For some reasons the Homepage was a bit weird on Mobile. Fixed! Now you see contents instead of a menu. Example result:
|Before |After |
The menu entries are available under the {nav icon=bars} "hamburger" button.
Patch: D25107
=== Support for GitHub/GitLab/StackOverflow/... code-blocks in Markdown ==
So we support this syntax: (to avoid confusion see it online on the Diff)
$asd = 1;
Before this change, this was the only supposed syntax in Remarkup, with an explicit "lang=":
$asd = 1;
This change introduces a minor risk to eat legitimate Remarkup content, since Remarkup allows
to do a multi-line in this way:
```$asd = 1;
$asd = 2;```
The above example still works, but, there is a chance that hardcore Remarkup people
have a problem when doing a code block to mention programming languages.
In short, this can be problematic since "cpp" will be eaten from this list:
Using the above example is not socially nice because it is not usable in GitLab, GitHub and Stack Overflow.
If your first line is eaten:
Just *add* a newline on the top to reach a valid raw Markdown list (suggested, valid in Remarkup + Markdown):
Or, just add "text" to specify that as language (suggested, valid in Remarkup + Markdown):
Or, just *remove* a newline from the bottom to reach a valid raw Remarkup list (Remarkup-only):
Or, just specify that you are writing in the language "text" (Remarkup-only):
To reduce impact and help you, the logic of this strict implementation is:
- must have backticks
- must not have any valid remarkup option, like lang=, counterexample, etc.
- must not have content in the same line of the last backticks
- must have a known language in our proposed subset
If everything is OK, we remove that language from the content since it would be otherwise displayed.
Interestingly, this could improve performance when rendering README files or snippets from external
websites, since - in case - we do not need to guess the language using our deep dark magic.
Closes T15481
== What next? ==
Hackers: review and code!
Users: share lovely screenshots on Wikimedia Commons!
== THANKS! {icon spin heart}
cowsay (cow=tux) {{{
Join Phorge! <3
NOTE: This page presents some goals discussed during Wikimedia Hackaton 2023. Thanks for contributing!
== Context {icon heart spin} ==
Wikimedia Hackaton in Athens was GREAT!
[[ planning_meetings/wikimedia_hackaton_2023_athens_code_sprint/ ]]
Thanks Athens!
== Phorged Phings in SingaPhore {icon rocket spin} ==
cowsay (cow=stegosaurus) {{{
Here some Phorged Phings on Phorge during Wikimania PHackaton in SingaPhore 2023! <3
{D25061} regression
{D25390} - hacker: aklapper
{D25393} - hacker: bob minion
| Before | After |
{D25305} - hacer: matmarex
| Before | After |
| {F312321,size=full} | {F312323,size=full} |
{D25398} bug browsing Subversion - hacker: bob minion
{D25399} bug browsing Subversion - hacker: bob minion
{D25403} bug in Dark mode
{D25397} bug browsing Subversion and Mercurial - hacker: bob minion
{D25387} - hacker: avivey
{D25386} - hacker: avivey
{D25343} - rebrand issue - hacker: avivey
{D25408} - hacker: valerio
{D25079} - hacker: valerio
{D25406} - hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25405} - hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25394} bug during setup wizard - hacker: bob, reviewer: valerio
{D25401} bug in websocket notifications - hacker: bob, reviewer: valerio
{D25382} bug in notification server URI - hacker: bob, reviewer: v., avivey
{D25407} hacker: valerio, reviewer: avivey
| Before | After |
| {F335620,size=full} | {F335621,size=full} |
{D25404} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: avivey
{D25402} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: valerio
{D25395} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25396} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: valerio
{D25392} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25384} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: Matthew, valerio
| Before | After |
{D25341} hacker: matmarex, reviewer: avivey
{D25374} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: Matthew
{D25362} hacker: Matthew, reviewer: valerio, avivey
{D25379} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: Matthew
{D25370} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: Matthew
{D25391} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25389} hacker: aklapper, reviewer: valerio
{D25383} hacker: bob minion, reviewer: valerio
== Nice to review ==
| | | [[ changelog/ ]] | [[ #anchor | #anchor ]] | | [[ /config/ | /config/ ]] |
| Before this change | external | internal | internal | external | external |
| **After** this change | external | internal | internal | **internal** | **internal** |
== Show me last Phings! ==
=== New Confirmation Dialog when Closing a Modal by mistake ==
On a Workboard, if you press the `Esc` key by mistake, now you see a kind Confirmation Dialog. Your volatile edits are more safe:
Patch: D25015
=== Drag & Drop Popup: Fast access to Edit Permissions ===
After you Drag & Drop a file, you see something like this:
Now the destination link changed:
| Before | After |
| ``|``|
So you can visit its {nav icon=pencil,name=Edit} button to change Permissions in 2 clicks, etc. Also, the link now opens in a //new// tab: less possibilities to loss your work in your current tab ✨
Patches: D25074, D25077
=== All Search Results supporting ctrl+click ===
All search results now can be opened easily opened in parallel, in another Tab, using ctrl+click or middle-click:
Patch: D25069
=== Self-Descriptive API pages ===
All API description pages in Conduit, now have a nice visible description, very visible:
Patch: D25063
=== Diffusion repositories: editable from Mobile ===
Now Diffusion repositories can be edited from Tablet and Mobile users, using the {nav icon=bars,name=Actions} button (previously not working):
| Before | After |
| {F276115,size=full} | {F276113,size=full} |
Patch: D25109
=== Deleted Comments: less distracting ===
Now every Deleted Comment is a bit more docile, so you gain extra focus:
| Before | After |
| {F274834,size=full} | {F274835,size=full} |
Patch: D25096
=== Better Homepage on Mobile ===
For some reasons the Homepage was a bit weird on Mobile. Fixed! Now you see contents instead of a menu. Example result:
|Before |After |
The menu entries are available under the {nav icon=bars} "hamburger" button.
Patch: D25107
=== Support for GitHub/GitLab/StackOverflow/... code-blocks in Markdown ==
So we support this syntax: (to avoid confusion see it online on the Diff)
$asd = 1;
Before this change, this was the only supposed syntax in Remarkup, with an explicit "lang=":
$asd = 1;
This change introduces a minor risk to eat legitimate Remarkup content, since Remarkup allows
to do a multi-line in this way:
```$asd = 1;
$asd = 2;```
The above example still works, but, there is a chance that hardcore Remarkup people
have a problem when doing a code block to mention programming languages.
In short, this can be problematic since "cpp" will be eaten from this list:
Using the above example is not socially nice because it is not usable in GitLab, GitHub and Stack Overflow.
If your first line is eaten:
Just *add* a newline on the top to reach a valid raw Markdown list (suggested, valid in Remarkup + Markdown):
Or, just add "text" to specify that as language (suggested, valid in Remarkup + Markdown):
Or, just *remove* a newline from the bottom to reach a valid raw Remarkup list (Remarkup-only):
Or, just specify that you are writing in the language "text" (Remarkup-only):
To reduce impact and help you, the logic of this strict implementation is:
- must have backticks
- must not have any valid remarkup option, like lang=, counterexample, etc.
- must not have content in the same line of the last backticks
- must have a known language in our proposed subset
If everything is OK, we remove that language from the content since it would be otherwise displayed.
Interestingly, this could improve performance when rendering README files or snippets from external
websites, since - in case - we do not need to guess the language using our deep dark magic.
Closes T15481
== What next? ==
Hackers: review and code!
Users: share lovely screenshots on Wikimedia Commons!
== THANKS! {icon spin heart}
cowsay (cow=tux) {{{
Join Phorge! <3
Content licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA) unless otherwise noted; code licensed under Apache 2.0 or other open source licenses. · CC BY-SA 4.0 · Apache 2.0