Version 121 vs 132
Version 121 vs 132
- Edit by valerio.bozzolan, Version 132
- Dec 16 2024 14:38
- ·#Policy: Allow setting default edit policy in Phurl app
- Edit by valerio.bozzolan, Version 121
- Dec 10 2024 14:03
- ·update from git log
Edit Older Version 121... | Edit Older Version 132... |
Content Changes
Content Changes
24 August 2024 - ongoing
| Repo | Hash
| {rP} | TBD
| {rARC} | TBD
== Highlights ==
* Phorge now requires PHP version 7.2.25+
* ...
== General ==
| Change summary (with main Tag) | Patch | Main Task |
| #Auth: Send the Phorge URI as User-Agent string in OAuth and GitHub authentication requests (to avoid captchas when using CDNs) | D25758 | T15848 |
| #Diffusion: Reduce verbosity of commits in web feeds | D25824 | T15489 |
| #UX: Allow to submit forms in new tab with CTRL+click |D25773 |T15914|
| #UX: Allow zooming pages on mobile |D25827 |T15945|
| #People: Limit length of "Real name" |D25841 |T15962|
| #Diffusion: Improve {nav Delete Repository} workflow by 1%|D25843|T15964|
| #Remarkup: improve regex matching projects |D25838|T15371|
| #UX: Whow table of contents on wide screens |D25790|T15920|
| #bug_reports: Increased compatibility with PHP 8.1+ and 8.4 | | T15064 |
| Update mimemailparser library version to upstream 8.0.4 |D25829 |T15940|
== Breaking Changes ==
Phorge now requires PHP version 7.2.25 (released November 2019). Phorge previously required PHP version 5.2.3 (released May 2007). The newer version is needed to support PHP version 8.4 which requires syntax introduced in PHP 7.1. See T15047#19338 for details.
== Visual Changes ==
=== Form Submission in New Tab ===
The forms can be submitted in a new tab with Ctrl-click. Proudly by mouse hackers.
Discussion and credits: T15914
=== Show Table of Contents on Large Screens ===
Surf your documents like an hero without any need for extra clicks:
| Before | After |
Discussion and credits: T15920
24 August 2024 - ongoing
| Repo | Hash
| {rP} | TBD
| {rARC} | TBD
== Highlights ==
* Phorge now requires PHP version 7.2.25+
* See the Proposed Maintenance section
* ...
== General ==
| Change summary (with main Tag) | Patch | Main Task |
| #Auth: Send the Phorge URI as User-Agent string in OAuth and GitHub authentication requests (to avoid captchas when using CDNs) | D25758 | T15848 |
| #Diffusion: Reduce verbosity of commits in web feeds | D25824 | T15489 |
| #Diffusion: Show the disclaimer of {nav icon=times,name=Delete Repository} to all curious users|D25843|T15964|
| #Diffusion: Better support of non-English POSIX environments (especially for SVN) | D25846 | T15966 |
| #UX: Allow to submit forms in new tab with CTRL+enter |D25773 |T15914|
| #UX: Allow zooming pages on mobile |D25827 |T15945|
| #UX: Show table of contents on wide screens |D25790|T15920|
| #spam_mitigation in #People: Limit length of "Real name"|D25841 |T15962|
| #spam_mitigation in #Diffusion: Expand identities with //verified// emails by default|D25845|T15965|
| #Remarkup: Improve how we match project names |D25838|T15371|
| #Policy: Allow setting default edit policy in Phurl app |D25850|T15970|
| #bug_reports: Increased compatibility with PHP 8.1+ and 8.4 | | T15064 |
| Update mimemailparser library version to upstream 8.0.4 |D25829 |T15940|
== Breaking Changes ==
Phorge now requires PHP version 7.2.25 (released November 2019). Phorge previously required PHP version 5.2.3 (released May 2007). The newer version is needed to support PHP version 8.4 which requires syntax introduced in PHP 7.1. See T15047#19338 for details.
== Proposed Maintenance ==
After the update, to cleanup some potential legacy spam in Diffusion identities (page `/diffusion/identity/`) and especially if you have a Phorge with open registration, we suggest to run this one-shoot command:
./bin/repository rebuild-identities --all-identities
The command is safe to be executed also probably when your Phorge is running and, as usual, will not touch any manually-assigned identity. It will just avoid to propose //unverified// emails as automatic identities (T15965).
== Visual Changes ==
=== Form Submission in New Tab ===
Forms can now be submitted in a new tab with CTRL+enter. Proudly by keyboard hackers.
Discussion and credits: T15914
=== Show Table of Contents on Large Screens ===
A wild table of contents now appears on your left, to surf your documents like an hero on wide screens.
| Before | After |
Discussion and credits: T15920
=== Less Verbose Commits ===
We save hackers' concentration by not duplicating anymore the commit title from the feed title and its body.
| Before | After |
| {F313288,size=full} | {F313289,size=full} |
Discussion and credits: T15489
24 August 2024 - ongoing
| Repo | Hash
| {rP} | TBD
| {rARC} | TBD
== Highlights ==
* Phorge now requires PHP version 7.2.25+
* See the Proposed Maintenance section
* ...
== General ==
| Change summary (with main Tag) | Patch | Main Task |
| #Auth: Send the Phorge URI as User-Agent string in OAuth and GitHub authentication requests (to avoid captchas when using CDNs) | D25758 | T15848 |
| #Diffusion: Reduce verbosity of commits in web feeds | D25824 | T15489 |
| #Diffusion: Show the disclaimer of {nav icon=times,name=Delete Repository} to all curious users|D25843|T15964|
| #Diffusion: Better support of non-English POSIX environments (especially for SVN) | D25846 | T15966 |
| #UX: Allow to submit forms in new tab with CTRL+clickenter |D25773 |T15914|
| #UX: Allow zooming pages on mobile |D25827 |T15945|
| #UX: Show table of contents on wide screens |D25790|T15920|
| #spam_mitigation in #People: Limit length of "Real name" |D25841 |T15962|
| #| #spam_mitigation in #Diffusion: Improve {nav Delete Repository} workflowExpand identities with //verified// emails by 1%default|D258435|T15964|5|
| #Remarkup: iImprove regexhow we matching projects names |D25838|T15371|
| #UX: Whow table of contents on wide screens | #Policy: Allow setting default edit policy in Phurl app |D2579850|T15920|70|
| #bug_reports: Increased compatibility with PHP 8.1+ and 8.4 | | T15064 |
| Update mimemailparser library version to upstream 8.0.4 |D25829 |T15940|
== Breaking Changes ==
Phorge now requires PHP version 7.2.25 (released November 2019). Phorge previously required PHP version 5.2.3 (released May 2007). The newer version is needed to support PHP version 8.4 which requires syntax introduced in PHP 7.1. See T15047#19338 for details.
== Proposed Maintenance ==
After the update, to cleanup some potential legacy spam in Diffusion identities (page `/diffusion/identity/`) and especially if you have a Phorge with open registration, we suggest to run this one-shoot command:
./bin/repository rebuild-identities --all-identities
The command is safe to be executed also probably when your Phorge is running and, as usual, will not touch any manually-assigned identity. It will just avoid to propose //unverified// emails as automatic identities (T15965).
== Visual Changes ==
=== Form Submission in New Tab ===
The fForms cann now be submitted in a new tab with Ctrl-clickCTRL+enter. Proudly by mousekeyboard hackers.
Discussion and credits: T15914
=== Show Table of Contents on Large Screens ===
SurfA wild table of contents now appears on your left, to surf your documents like an hero without any need for extra clicks:on wide screens.
| Before | After |
Discussion and credits: T15920
=== Less Verbose Commits ===
We save hackers' concentration by not duplicating anymore the commit title from the feed title and its body.
| Before | After |
| {F313288,size=full} | {F313289,size=full} |
Discussion and credits: T15489
Content licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA) unless otherwise noted; code licensed under Apache 2.0 or other open source licenses. · CC BY-SA 4.0 · Apache 2.0