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diff --git a/externals/cowsay/INSTALL b/externals/cowsay/INSTALL
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--- a/externals/cowsay/INSTALL
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Installing cowsay
-If you really want to get things installed a nice and pretty way,
- sh
-It will ask approximately one question. If you can't answer it,
-you need serious help.
-If the install goes well, you can start cowing immediately! Just
-be sure to read the manual page first...
-$Id: INSTALL,v 1.1 1999/08/14 08:03:17 tony Exp $
diff --git a/externals/cowsay/MANIFEST b/externals/cowsay/MANIFEST
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/cowsay/MANIFEST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-ChangeLog Changes to recent versions.
-INSTALL Instructions for installing cowsay.
-LICENSE The license for use and redistribution of cowsay.
-MANIFEST This file.
-README Read this first. Really. Diff for Text/
-cows/* Support files used by cowsay.
-cowsay Main cowsay executable.
-cowsay.1 Main cowsay manual page. cowsay installation script.
-pgp_public_key.txt Verify the signature file with this key.
diff --git a/externals/cowsay/README b/externals/cowsay/README
--- a/externals/cowsay/README
+++ b/externals/cowsay/README
@@ -36,3 +36,11 @@
-- Tony Monroe (
$Id: README,v 1.3 2000/05/28 06:24:46 tony Exp $
+In September 2015, Phabricator imported the Perl version of cowsay
+in the core, to use its nice template files. Anyway, the logic now
+is not in Perl. It was re-implemented in PHP, here:
diff --git a/externals/cowsay/ b/externals/cowsay/
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--- a/externals/cowsay/
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-*** Thu May 22 00:21:42 1997
---- Fri Nov 12 10:00:15 1999
-*** 3,9 ****
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = (Exporter);
-! @EXPORT = qw(wrap);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw($columns);
- $VERSION = 97.011701;
---- 3,9 ----
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = (Exporter);
-! @EXPORT = qw(wrap fill);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw($columns);
- $VERSION = 97.011701;
-*** 66,71 ****
---- 66,90 ----
- print "-----------$r---------\n" if $debug;;
- return $r;
-+ }
-+ ## Copied up from below.
-+ sub fill
-+ {
-+ my ($ip, $xp, @raw) = @_;
-+ my @para;
-+ my $pp;
-+ for $pp (split(/\n\s+/, join("\n",@raw))) {
-+ $pp =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-+ my $x = wrap($ip, $xp, $pp);
-+ push(@para, $x);
-+ }
-+ # if paragraph_indent is the same as line_indent,
-+ # separate paragraphs with blank lines
-+ return join ($ip eq $xp ? "\n\n" : "\n", @para);
- }
- 1;
diff --git a/externals/cowsay/cowsay b/externals/cowsay/cowsay
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/externals/cowsay/cowsay
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-## Cowsay 3.03
-## This file is part of cowsay. (c) 1999-2000 Tony Monroe.
-use Text::Tabs qw(expand);
-use Text::Wrap qw(wrap fill $columns);
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use Cwd;
-$version = "3.03";
-$progname = basename($0);
-$eyes = "oo";
-$tongue = " ";
-$cowpath = $ENV{'COWPATH'} || '%PREFIX%/share/cows';
-@message = ();
-$thoughts = "";
-## Yeah, this is rude, I know. But hopefully it gets around a nasty
-## little version dependency.
-$Text::Wrap::initial_tab = 8;
-$Text::Wrap::subsequent_tab = 8;
-$Text::Wrap::tabstop = 8;
-## One of these days, we'll get it ported to Windows. Yeah, right.
-if (($^O eq "MSWin32") or ($^O eq "Windows_NT")) { ## Many perls, eek!
- $pathsep = ';';
-} else {
- $pathsep = ':';
-%opts = (
- 'e' => 'oo',
- 'f' => 'default.cow',
- 'n' => 0,
- 'T' => ' ',
- 'W' => 40,
-getopts('bde:f:ghlLnNpstT:wW:y', \%opts);
-&display_usage if $opts{'h'};
-&list_cowfiles if $opts{'l'};
-$borg = $opts{'b'};
-$dead = $opts{'d'};
-$greedy = $opts{'g'};
-$paranoid = $opts{'p'};
-$stoned = $opts{'s'};
-$tired = $opts{'t'};
-$wired = $opts{'w'};
-$young = $opts{'y'};
-$eyes = substr($opts{'e'}, 0, 2);
-$tongue = substr($opts{'T'}, 0, 2);
-$the_cow = "";
-$Text::Wrap::columns = $opts{'W'};
-@message = ($opts{'n'} ? expand(@message) :
- split("\n", fill("", "", @message)));
-print @balloon_lines;
-print $the_cow;
-sub list_cowfiles {
- my $basedir;
- my @dirfiles;
- chop($basedir = cwd);
- for my $d (split(/$pathsep/, $cowpath)) {
- print "Cow files in $d:\n";
- opendir(COWDIR, $d) || die "$0: Cannot open $d\n";
- for my $file (readdir COWDIR) {
- if ($file =~ s/\.cow$//) {
- push(@dirfiles, $file);
- }
- }
- closedir(COWDIR);
- print wrap("", "", sort @dirfiles), "\n";
- @dirfiles = ();
- chdir($basedir);
- }
- exit(0);
-sub slurp_input {
- unless ($ARGV[0]) {
- chomp(@message = <STDIN>);
- } else {
- &display_usage if $opts{'n'};
- @message = join(' ', @ARGV);
- }
-sub maxlength {
- my ($l, $m);
- $m = -1;
- for my $i (@_) {
- $l = length $i;
- $m = $l if ($l > $m);
- }
- return $m;
-sub construct_balloon {
- my $max = &maxlength(@message);
- my $max2 = $max + 2; ## border space fudge.
- my $format = "%s %-${max}s %s\n";
- my @border; ## up-left, up-right, down-left, down-right, left, right
- if ($0 =~ /think/i) {
- $thoughts = 'o';
- @border = qw[ ( ) ( ) ( ) ];
- } elsif (@message < 2) {
- $thoughts = '\\';
- @border = qw[ < > ];
- } else {
- $thoughts = '\\';
- if ($V and $V gt v5.6.0) { # Thanks, perldelta.
- @border = qw[ / \\ \\ / | | ];
- } else {
- @border = qw[ / \ \ / | | ];
- }
- }
- push(@balloon_lines,
- " " . ("_" x $max2) . " \n" ,
- sprintf($format, $border[0], $message[0], $border[1]),
- (@message < 2 ? "" :
- map { sprintf($format, $border[4], $_, $border[5]) }
- @message[1 .. $#message - 1]),
- (@message < 2 ? "" :
- sprintf($format, $border[2], $message[$#message], $border[3])),
- " " . ("-" x $max2) . " \n"
- );
-sub construct_face {
- if ($borg) { $eyes = "=="; }
- if ($dead) { $eyes = "xx"; $tongue = "U "; }
- if ($greedy) { $eyes = "\$\$"; }
- if ($paranoid) { $eyes = "@@"; }
- if ($stoned) { $eyes = "**"; $tongue = "U "; }
- if ($tired) { $eyes = "--"; }
- if ($wired) { $eyes = "OO"; }
- if ($young) { $eyes = ".."; }
-sub get_cow {
-## Get a cow from the specified cowfile; otherwise use the default cow
-## which was defined above in $the_cow.
- my $f = $opts{'f'};
- my $full = "";
- if ($opts{'f'} =~ m,/,) {
- $full = $opts{'f'};
- } else {
- for my $d (split(/:/, $cowpath)) {
- if (-f "$d/$f") {
- $full = "$d/$f";
- last;
- } elsif (-f "$d/$f.cow") {
- $full = "$d/$f.cow";
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($full eq "") {
- die "$progname: Could not find $f cowfile!\n";
- }
- }
- do $full;
- die "$progname: $@\n" if $@;
-sub display_usage {
- die <<EOF;
-cow{say,think} version $version, (c) 1999 Tony Monroe
-Usage: $progname [-bdgpstwy] [-h] [-e eyes] [-f cowfile]
- [-l] [-n] [-T tongue] [-W wrapcolumn] [message]
diff --git a/externals/cowsay/cowsay.1 b/externals/cowsay/cowsay.1
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/cowsay/cowsay.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-.\" cowsay.1
-.\" $Id: cowsay.1,v 1.4 1999/11/04 19:50:40 tony Exp $
-.\" This file is part of cowsay. (c) 1999 Tony Monroe.
-.ds Nm Cowsay
-.ds nm cowsay
-.ds Vn 3.02
-.TH \*(nm 1 "$Date: 1999/11/04 19:50:40 $"
-\*(nm/cowthink \- configurable speaking/thinking cow (and a bit more)
-.RB [ \-e
-.IR eye_string ]
-.RB [ \-f
-.IR cowfile ]
-.RB [ \-h ]
-.RB [ \-l ]
-.RB [ \-n ]
-.RB [ \-T
-.IR tongue_string ]
-.RB [ \-W
-.IR column ]
-.RB [ \-bdgpstwy ]
-.I Cowsay
-generates an ASCII picture of a cow saying something provided by the
-user. If run with no arguments, it accepts standard input, word-wraps
-the message given at about 40 columns, and prints the cow saying the
-given message on standard output.
-To aid in the use of arbitrary messages with arbitrary whitespace,
-use the
-.B \-n
-option. If it is specified, the given message will not be
-word-wrapped. This is possibly useful if you want to make the cow
-think or speak in figlet(6). If
-.B \-n
-is specified, there must not be any command-line arguments left
-after all the switches have been processed.
-.B \-W
-specifies roughly (where the message should be wrapped. The default
-is equivalent to
-.B \-W 40
-i.e. wrap words at or before the 40th column.
-If any command-line arguments are left over after all switches have
-been processed, they become the cow's message. The program will not
-accept standard input for a message in this case.
-There are several provided modes which change the appearance of the
-cow depending on its particular emotional/physical state. The
-.B \-b
-option initiates Borg mode;
-.B \-d
-causes the cow to appear dead;
-.B \-g
-invokes greedy mode;
-.B \-p
-causes a state of paranoia to come over the cow;
-.B \-s
-makes the cow appear thoroughly stoned;
-.B \-t
-yields a tired cow;
-.B \-w
-is somewhat the opposite of
-.BR \-t ,
-and initiates wired mode;
-.B \-y
-brings on the cow's youthful appearance.
-The user may specify the
-.B \-e
-option to select the appearance of the cow's eyes, in which case
-the first two characters of the argument string
-.I eye_string
-will be used. The default eyes are 'oo'. The tongue is similarly
-configurable through
-.B \-T
-.IR tongue_string ;
-it must be two characters and does not appear by default. However,
-it does appear in the 'dead' and 'stoned' modes. Any configuration
-done by
-.B \-e
-.B \-T
-will be lost if one of the provided modes is used.
-.B \-f
-option specifies a particular cow picture file (``cowfile'') to
-use. If the cowfile spec contains '/' then it will be interpreted
-as a path relative to the current directory. Otherwise, cowsay
-will search the path specified in the
-environment variable.
-To list all cowfiles on the current
-.B \*(nm
-with the
-.B \-l
-If the program is invoked as
-.B cowthink
-then the cow will think its message instead of saying it.
-A cowfile is made up of a simple block of
-.BR perl (1)
-code, which assigns a picture of a cow to the variable
-.BR $the_cow .
-Should you wish to customize the eyes or the tongue of the cow,
-then the variables
-.B $eyes
-.B $tongue
-may be used. The trail leading up to the cow's message balloon is
-composed of the character(s) in the
-.B $thoughts
-variable. Any backslashes must be reduplicated to prevent
-interpolation. The name of a cowfile should end with
-.BR .cow ,
-otherwise it is assumed not to be a cowfile. Also, at-signs (``@'')
-must be backslashed because that is what Perl 5 expects.
-What older versions? :-)
-Version 3.x is fully backward-compatible with 2.x versions. If
-you're still using a 1.x version, consider upgrading. And tell me
-where you got the older versions, since I didn't exactly put them
-up for world-wide access.
-Oh, just so you know, this manual page documents version \*(Vn of
-The COWPATH environment variable, if present, will be used to search
-for cowfiles. It contains a colon-separated list of directories,
-much like
-.B PATH or
-It should always contain the
-.B /usr/local/share/cows
-directory, or at least a directory with a file called
-.B default.cow
-in it.
-.B %PREFIX%/share/cows
-holds a sample set of cowfiles. If your
-is not explicitly set, it automatically contains this directory.
-If there are any, please notify the author at the address below.
-Tony Monroe (, with suggestions from Shannon
-Appel (appel@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU) and contributions from Anthony Polito
-perl(1), wall(1), nwrite(1), figlet(6)
diff --git a/externals/cowsay/ b/externals/cowsay/
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--- a/externals/cowsay/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-## Installation script for cowsay.
-## $Id:,v 1.5 1999/11/01 20:19:21 tony Exp $
-## This file is part of cowsay. (c) 1999 Tony Monroe.
-rcs_id='$Id:,v 1.5 1999/11/01 20:19:21 tony Exp $'
-cat <<DOG
-cowsay Installation
-Searching for useful perl executables...
-pathdirs=`echo $PATH | tr : " "`
-for p in $pathdirs; do
- set $p/perl $p/perl5*
- while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do
- if [ -x "$1" ]; then
- echo Found perl in $1
- perls="$perls $1"
- fi
- shift
- done
-for perl in $perls; do
- if $perl -MText::Wrap -e0 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo Found a good perl in $perl
- goodperls="$goodperls $perl"
- fi
-echo The following perl executables will run cowsay:
-echo $goodperls
-echo I recommend the latest stable perl you can find.
-set $goodperls
-if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo Ack! You do not have Perl 5 installed correctly!
- echo Get thee to CPAN!
- exit 1
-echo I will be using $1 because I know it will work.
-echo Now I need an installation prefix. I will use /usr/local unless
-printf "you give me a better idea here: "
-if [ -n "$backdoor" ]; then
- prefix=$backdoor
- printf "%s (specified on command line)\n" $prefix
- read prefix
-echo Okay, time to install this puppy.
-echo s,%BANGPERL%,!$usethisperl,\; >
-echo s,%PREFIX%,$PREFIX,\; >>
-set -x
-mkdir -p $PREFIX/bin || (mkdir $PREFIX; mkdir $PREFIX/bin)
-$usethisperl -p cowsay > $PREFIX/bin/cowsay
-chmod a+x $PREFIX/bin/cowsay
-ln -s cowsay $PREFIX/bin/cowthink
-mkdir -p $PREFIX/man/man1 || ($mkdir $PREFIX; mkdir $PREFIX/man; mkdir $PREFIX/man/man1)
-$usethisperl -p cowsay.1 > $PREFIX/man/man1/cowsay.1
-chmod a+r $PREFIX/man/man1/cowsay.1
-ln -s cowsay.1 $PREFIX/man/man1/cowthink.1
-mkdir -p $PREFIX/share/cows || (mkdir $PREFIX; mkdir $PREFIX/share; mkdir $PREFIX/share/cows)
-tar -cf - $filelist | (cd $PREFIX/share && tar -xvf -)
-set +x
-echo Okay, let us see if the install actually worked.
-if [ ! -f $PREFIX/share/cows/default.cow ]; then
- echo The default cow file did not make it across!
- echo Ooops, it failed...sorry!
- exit 1
-echo Installation complete! Enjoy the cows!
diff --git a/externals/cowsay/pgp_public_key.txt b/externals/cowsay/pgp_public_key.txt
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--- a/externals/cowsay/pgp_public_key.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Version: 2.6.2

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Jan 18 2025, 21:44 (6 w, 3 d ago)
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D25242.1737236668.diff (15 KB)

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