Are you using Phorge? Add yourself here!
| Who | Description | Users | ActiveUsers | Local Patches | Contributes | LastCheck |
| ER Inform. | another private IT company in Italy | 30 | 15 | few | yes | 2023-06 |
| [[|]] | a made in Italy community | 80 | 3 | no | yes | 2023-06 |
| [[|WMF]] | Wikimedia friends |1000+|100+|many (T15081)|yes| 2023-06 |
| | | | | | | |
* Users: users that are not-disabled, not-banned, not-spam, with at least one edit.
* Active Users: average indication following the general definition of
* Local Patches: indication of local-only changes (something not in Phorge)
* Contributes: whenever somebody there proposes patches to Phorge to improve that organization
NOTE: Numbers are just a subjective estimation from the reporter.
This list is provided in Creative Commons Zero license - public domain.